Valentines day special.

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Ok cliche fluffy thing for Valentine's.

Don't expect too much I went to bed at one o'clock last night and it's currently 11:30. (Pm)

Thank you @DreamsNightmareB  for the idea.

"Left hand red!"Sapnap shouted.

Dream almost fell on that one but managed to stay upright. His and George's bodies were now even more intertwined. Why did Sapnap want to play twister?

Dream knew he had to be blushing like crazy.

Damn it.


George was red like the stupid circles he had right and left limbs cross crossing over. Dreams body was arcing over his own, and they were extremely close.

"Left foot green!"

George tried to shift his body weight in time but failed, slipping and taking Dream down with him.

Dream managed to catch himself with his forearms, but realized he was effectively straddling George. Their faces were only centimeters apart and there was sudden tension sparking in the air.

Sapnap screamed "GAY-" and ran out the door.
(A/n lol we all know he went to be gay with his fiancé's 🙄)

Dream and George's didn't even notice. All they could feel was each other and all they could hear was the others breathing.

The world seeming to stop as Dream and George pushed thier lips together.

They broke apart after almost a minute gasping for breath.

"I-" dram spat out flusteredly.

"Wow. Can we do that again?" George said without thinking.

Dream suddenly smirked, regaining his usual top energy (And Leo energy).

"I thought you didn't swing that way?" He joked, not getting up, but this time on purpose.

"Ugh shut up." George said rolling his eyes and grabbing dreams collar, crashing their lips together again.


Hit it's not Valentine's Day anymore. Oops.

Oh well :/

Luv ya <3

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