Im back with unfinished bits based on songs dont judge me

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These are just gonna be a couple of bits I imagined based off pieces of songs. No judgment please these will be unedited and random.


An angsty piece based off of Ricky Montgomery's Mr.Loverman
The line it's based off:

I'm shattered now,
I'm spilling out,
Upon this lenonlium ground,
I'm reeling in my brain again,
Before it can get back to you,
Oh what am I,
Supposed to do,
Without you?,

His defenses were shattered, the raw emotion he'd bottles away for years had burst forth, spilling out around him in uncontrollable bursts. He sank to the floor of the bathroom he'd run to, the cold lenolium not comforting him in the slightest. His brain reeled about what he's just done. He knew that he would never feel the same, and thought he'd lost a freind for life. 'What am I supposed to do without you...?'

Be confused. That's what I am rn.


Next: I was busy thinkin bout boys- (chaching)

Pretty self explanatory

Dream was busy thinkin bout boys (du du)

Dream sat in his room earbuds in, daydreaming about his crush and listening to his current favorite song.

His mom called, " Dream can you come here for a second. There's a girl I want you to meet."

"MooooOOOOoooom I'm busyyyyy"

" I don't care come meet her"


He went down and saw a girl standing in the kitchen. She was pretty, he guessed. She had kinda weird colored blond hair with obviously fake blue eyes. Her contacts were herendous, and don't even get him started on the outfit she was wearing. Dis-gUs-tAng.

"Hi" she said In an obvious but bad attempt at sexy and shy. Ew.

"Umm... hi?" He said in a tone that said,'I hate you already but my mom is in the room so I'm being polite'

His mom made him talk to that girl for thirty minutes. Worst thirty minutes of his life.

"So what did you think of her?"

"Ew." He stated plainly.

"Really she can't be that bad, and you're such a handsome boy. You should have a girl by now. And what were you even doing that was so important? It's Saturday."

"I was busy thinkin bout boys. (Du du)" he said shooting her the >_> face.


I know that was awful I'm sorry.

Next one: based off this song piece:

Hey (hey),
you (you),
don't you think it's kinda cute that,
I (I),
died (died),
right inside you're arms-

Know what there won't be a bit based off this because I just came up with a whole one shot for this so that'll be out in a bit.

Have a good night/day <3

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