Hurt/comfort i guess (i am a master at coming up with titles)

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Hi I feel like writing so here's some fluffy Minecraft irl stuff with ig a sort of glass animals vibe? Like sad-ish sort of happy? Basically the entire vibe of Tangerine. Really happy but really sad at the same time. It's kinda a Dystopian AU I think. Okay I'm done rambling here it is.


George walked down the quiet streets of L'manberg, trying his hardest not to disturb the silence. His dark cloak shielded his body type and profile from the few up this early.

L'manberg's old cheerful controlled chaos was marred and dampened by the reign of Schlatt.
(I'm not trying to say he was evil in the smp role play this is my thing. We don't put tws on Schlatt in my book.)

He passed the charred remains of the community house. Memories threatened to spill from the confines of his mind but he forced them down, knowing that things would never be the same.

Once outside the borders of the capital he could walk faster and more freely, but still kept up his guard.

He reached his old mushroom cottage, where more memories were pushed back. He stepped carefully around the mess to the back end of the house.

His old home had been ransacked and looted. It saddened him, but no matter. You can't turn back time. Unless of course you were Karl. But he, and their only hope for reversing the effects of war, died in an explosion rigged by Schlatt and his followers. You could almost see regret and sadness in quackitys eyes. Almost.

George pushed away these thoughts and pressed a hidden button. The floor opened and formed a staircase. He hurried down it before it sealed again. He hopped into the mine cart and pushed another button to set him off. The secret railway had been dreams idea, long ago. He'd had no idea how useful it would truly be.

Thinking of dream reminded George that he was on his way to do something far happier than he usually got to do.

He was on his way to see Dream. His boyfriend.

A small, rare smile made its way onto his face.


After almost a half an hour on the railway he reached the stop he needed to get off at.

Quickly he hopped out of the cart and almost ran up the stairs.

And there he was.


George ran into his arms, the smile on his face growing tenfold and tears seeping silently from his eyes. Dream pulled away from their hug and wiped the tears from George's eyes.

He pushed their lips together passionately, melting into the other. There was a faint taste of salt when he pulled away.

"I missed you so much." George choked through tears.

"I missed you more darling." Dream said, using the pet name that George both hated and loved.

George didn't argue, simply burying his face in dreams chest and sobbing again. He was so happy it hurt.

Dream pulled him to the ground, George sitting on his lap. They stayed there for a long time until nightfall.

"George you have to go now. Schlatt will be after you if you're not back by tomorrow morning." Dream said sadly.

"George looked up at Dream and began crying again, no longer from happiness.

"Why don't we run away together. I don't care if he comes after us. I don't want to leave you!" George wanted to yell and scream. He knew he couldn't. He knew they couldn't run.

Dream just sadly shook his head, reconnecting thier lips again to say goodbye.

George simply cried and recounted the time when he had been so oblivious of his love and how much longer he could have had dream if only he hadn't been so stupid. The train ride was infinitely shorter.


I'm sorry.

Luv you <3

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