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Basically, there's a storm, gog is scared, and Dream is being comforting. Cute fluff. They are dating as well.


George involuntarily squeaked, and was shaking, trying not to wake Dream with his stupid fear of thunder.


"EEEK-" he clapped his hand over his mouth, but it was too late. 

"What's the matter bab-"


George flinched and whimpered.

"oh... are you afraid of the thunder?"

George nodded quietly, still shaking like crazy.


Dream pulled his boyfriend into his lap gently, just as the next bout of thunder came booming through. George clung to him as Dream wrapped a blanket around the both of them.

"Hey, hey it's alright, the storm is almost over. "

George relaxed into dreams touch, melting into the comfort. He just barely started falling asleep on Dream when-


There came the last bit of thunder, and the worst yet. George went back to shaking and was whimpering quietly.

Don't worry, that's the last of it. It's over now." Dream whispered soothingly, wrapping the (red) blanket tighter around them and laying down on the bed.

Both fell asleep within minutes.


Not my best work but I tried

Those of you who have read melIifluous_ s book Under The Weather you'll get the red blanket thing. But like you should read them they're really good :)

Have a great day/night! <3

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