Figure and fate

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The name sucks but bear with me: Figure skater and hockey player au. That's about all I can say. Enjoy~ (also I know little to nothing about hockey so I'm sorry)  TW: homophobic language used.

Dream watched the boy slide across the ice, smooth, graceful, like a ballerina in the snow. He used his momentum to form a sharp turn and launched himself upwards, performing a triple spin in the air. He landed backwards but still smooth, turning round and doing a little pirouette.

"Wow" Dream breathed, captivated by the others beauty.

"Taken, you're late!" His coach barked gruffly.

"I'm sorry sir I just-"

"Haha, I know love when I see it boy. I'll excuse you this time, But please be on time tomorrow."

"Y-yes sir" LOVE? Was- was he in love? He'd never thought... maybe he was? Ugh this  is too much.

He headed over to the hockey rink and began practice, performing a lot worse than usual and drawing some confused looks from the others on the team.


George watched the hockey practice from the other side of the glass. He was on his break during practice and enjoyed watching them play the sport, even thought he didn't fully understand what exactly they were doing.

Scratch that, he didn't understand anything that was happening and he only came to the practices during break to watch the one He heard his freinds call "Dream".


Weeks pass, and both are still oblivious to the fact that the other likes them too. Dream had finally learnt George's name. Of course all this accidentally skirting around each other changed when on the Saturday both were finally off practice at the same time, they had gone to the public rink in Central Park (were gonna say they live in nyc because I want to).


Dream had seen the other boy, and George had seen him. It was only briefly, in passing. That was until they knocked straight into each other.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Dream asked in a frenzy, worried about the well-being of a boy he'd never spoken to.

"No, it's okay, I'm fine." George said in a quiet shy voice. He usually wasn't like that but there was something about the absolutely hot as fire boy in front of him.

"I've seen you around the collage rinks before. Do you skate for fun too?" Dream asked, deciding to try and make small talk.

George flushed a little deeper red and said a quiet "yeah".

"We should hang out some time, maybe. Can I get your number?" Dream asked, confidence pouring back into him at the fact that t he e made this cute boy in front of him a blushing mess.

"Ohyesthstwouldbegreatiwouldlovetoheresmynumber-" George said taking out a peice of paper quickly and writing down his number, handing it to Dream.

Dream chuckled and waved. "I'll text you later!"



"Calm down you muffin, text him back of course."

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