Face Reveal

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Found this unfinished in my drafts and I'm cringing at how bad it is lmao
[I didn't finish it don't be mad that it ends]

Title is not what you're thinking.  You'll see.

Minecraft = irl au. They're on the dream smp but all the drama isn't there and everyone is freinds for the most part.

"Dream? Will you show me your face?"

Dream stopped walking abruptly and turned around to face George. He couldn't not appreciate how beautiful George looked in the sunlight before answering.

"That was kinda random Georgie." He said.

"Well," George began, " I've never even seen you're face, and we've been freinds for years now. I just thought..." he trailed off sadly.

Damn. He always knew how to get Dream to do something for him.

"Okay, okay. I'll show you my face, but not in this field, it's too open. When we get back to base I'll take off the mask."

George whined a little at having to wait but he was obviously excited to see dreams face.

They trecked over a plains biome, through a birch forest, around a cove, and finally they saw the tallest tower of the small castle they used as a base.


After putting the loot collected into the storage system, they went into the living room. (Were gone pretend you can make wool into cushions because I can)

Dream sat on the couch, George sitting eagerly beside him.

He slowly unbuckled the leather strap holding the ceramic disc to his face. Nervously he pulled it away.

George stared with eyes wide and mouth open. Was it that bad?

"Yeah I'm not really a sight for sore eyes, heh heh." Dream stated nervously.

George was quick to respond with "oh no! I'm sorry for staring I just... your so pretty." George clapped his hand to his mouth.

"I mean like ummm oh oh gee oh gosh ummm oh I-" George started to try and choke out an explanation for his words.

Dream was just amazed that this literal angel found him pretty.

Dreamnotfound one shots :) Where stories live. Discover now