Booty shawts

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This ones for you bby 😩 Popseeko7656 

Idk what I'm doing here I'm just gonna make it up as I go I guess lol

Real title: casual date at the pier (yes yes, I still suck at titles)

It was a mundane and rather boring night for the two boys, it seemed that it would be spent only scrolling on their phones. That was until an idea struck Dream, and he sat up quickly, startling the other out of a trance.

"Hey Georgie, want to go to the pier? it's a super nice night to go." Dream said, trying to shove down his excitement and completely failing.

"Sure, just lemme change real quick." The other said, smirking at his boyfriends golden retriever mannerisms.

George disappeared up the stairs and Dream waited eagerly for him to come back. You could almost see a tail wagging behind him and ears perked up upon his head.

When George came back down stairs there was a total lack of speech from the usually talkative Dream, but he did have a good reason.

George had practically strutted down the stairs in his extremely short shorts and a cute flowy tank top. Maybe he didn't have an ass, but he totally pulled off those shorts.

Dreams mouth almost dropped open and he said, "you've never worn those before."

Way to state the obvious you simp.

George just rolled his eyes and walked to the door.
"You coming, dreamy boy?"

They hopped in the car and enjoyed the short drive to the ocean, the lights of the city glowing a bit on the skyline.

There was nobody else on the pier, making it seem so intimate and private. A lovely shade of deep blue painted the sky, a few colors lingering from the late summer sunset.

Dream looked over at George, captivated by his boyfriend. The lights of Los Angeles shone in his eyes as he turned to face Dream, pale pink lips open ever so slightly.

Dream captured his boyfriends lips into his own and pushed into him ever so slightly. He felt George melt into his gentle touch and hum lightly once Dream pulled away.

For a while they simply stared into each other's eyes, never wanting that moment to end. Here, in each other's arms.

Did this live up to your expectations shawty 😏

Oh and also


Love is love, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise bby.

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