Welcome to The Cult of Dionysus

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It's just a party. Basically like drunk confessions. Idk listened to this song a couple times and now it's stuck :p alcohol warning ⚠️ they do get drunk and do drunk things. Stupid drunk things. No minors or people underage will be introduced to alcohol. Dadza is on the watch.

[I recommend listening to the song, my slow internet won't let me link it at the top :p]

I'm feeling devious,
You're looking glamorous;
Let's get mischievous,
And polyamorous;
Wine and women and wonderful vices,
Welcome to the cult of Dionysus~

[dream pov]

Oh. My. God. He's so. Goddamn. Pretty.

I still can't believe I got him to go to the party with me. This is gonna be so fun.  And maybe... 

Just maybe...

[george pov]

Goddamnit. Why do I always give in to his puppy eyes.

I hate people.

He better not leave me alone. Or leave at all.

[3rd person pov]

George and Dream were in the car on the way to their friend Karl's party. They had decided to walk there, as they would be drinking and it was just around the corner. 

When they arrived the party was in full swing, setting off George's anxiety. Dream suggested they get a drink to calm his nerves.

(A/n now that I think about it, there are a lot of people on the smp that are under drinking age. In the US anyway.)

He agreed, so they headed to the kitchen.

Dream just grabbed whatever was in the red solo cups on the counter, but George opted for a spiked seltzer from the cooler. 

He had planned on only having a few drinks. He did not. He had a lot more than a few. 

Now both George and Dream were totally smashed and playing a game of truth or dare with all the not drunk underagers. They found Dream and George's drunk antics so extremely hilarious, while Phil in the corner chuckled at their histerical laughter.  

It was now Tubbos turn to ask one of them a question, Ranboo having come up with a way to twist the rules so they could be focused on the two.

"I dare you both to play seven minutes in heaven!" Tubbo stated.

"Tubbo!?" Ranboo yelled.

"What? What? Isn't that the game where you chase each other in the pool?"

"No-That's Marco Polo-"

"Oh. Oops."

Dream and George had zoned out during that, and just kind of awkwardly agreed that they wouldn't be against playing.  They both giggled loudly and then started to get up and leave. 

"Wha- where are you going?" Tommy asked.

"Were doing the bet." Dream slurred, and grabbed George's hand, pulling him out the door to find a closet.

The music was pumping and if Dream had been sober he would have recognized sapnaps "villain core" playlist. The thing he did notice however was the closet in the hall. It was empty.

He pulled George into it and shut the door behind them.

"I guess if we're gonna kiss, you should know that I'm in love with you." Dream stated sincerely.

George had next to no time to process this information before a pair of lips was on his, and everything blurred more.

A graze of teeth and swipe of tongue caused his jaw to go slack and thier kissing deepened.

Eventually Dream started trailing kisses down George's neck, lingering on the sensitive spots.

It was very obvious they were in the closet.


The next day George woke up on the couch in an unfamiliar house with a banging headache and the feeling of being pinned down by something.

Oh wait.

He was pinned down by... an arm?

He soon found the owner of said arm and felt his face flush like crazy and the hazy memories came rushing back.

Dream loves me.

This was too much for his hung over brain to comprehend, so he just cuddled into the warm person beside him and went back to sleep.

He would deal with the marks on his neck later.

Helloooo darlings

Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to self care.

Love you <3

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