Hidden love always dies

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Angst time again darlings :)

This time it's Dream who sad

TW; slight angst and just kinda depressing bits, also death. Not really suicide, just giving up.

Based on "Hidden in the Sand" by Tally Hall

We were playing in the sand,

Dream giggled as he watched George fail at making the tower of his castle yet again. He couldn't help but admire the cool beauty of the man in front of him, dark curls adorning a small, pale face. Dainty hands fidgeted with the bucket he was holding, eyes shining happily despite his dramatic expression of frustration.

And you found a little band,

Suddenly something caught George's eye. There was a woman there. Dream supposed most would consider her pretty, but he himself wouldn't really know what an attractive woman looked like.

You told me you,

Two months later and they were at the beach again, this time In sweaters with a refreshing ocean wind blowing on them. George grabbed dreams attention, and spoke a few words Dream hated to hear.

Fell in love with it,

George had fallen for her. They were together. George was so happy, so Dream smiled along with him and gave a customary congratulations.

Hadn't gone as I planned;

He sat on the beach again, this time it was midnight. He sat and simply cried. This was not the way he'd wanted his life to go.

When you had to bid a due,

Three months later and George was crying his eyes out into dreams shoulder. The woman had cheated.

Said you'd never love anew,

He said that he no longer wanted any part in romance. No matter who it was or if he loved them at all.

You told me to,

Dream tried to tell George how much he loved him but George only shot him down. Told him he was selfish for saying that then. Why then?

Buy a pony,

George told him to leave and never come back. Find someone else. said there were plenty of fish in the sea, why do you want this one?

But all I wanted was you;

Two hours later; Dream lay in the freezing water of the ocean. He no longer seeks warmth. Or air. He simply let the tide rise over him. Slow but surely it rose over his head. He no longer felt the need to live, so why do so. Self preservation was for those who had something to live for.

He was hidden in the sand as the ocean slowly enveloped the soul vessel, never to be found.


Sorry sorry I know more angst.

Luv ya <3

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