He'll never love me back

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Suicidal thoughts/actions
Viewer discretion  advised

Dream and George had grown up in a small town in Florida, always together since the day they met. George had moved to America in the seventh grade, though he never lost his accent. They had bonded over Minecraft, and stayed freinds through their many common interests.

There was only two things that Dream didn't know about George. The first was that George had had a crush on him since eighth grade, and the second was that George had depression. Very severe depression.

He hid the way he felt from every person close to him, even the one he loved more than anything. He could still be happy, in fact the only time that he was happy truly was when he was with dream. This was how the suicidal thoughts started, when he couldn't talk to dream and all he could do was relive all the embarrassing things he had ever said to dream, and how dream would respond in a very bro friendly way. George was convinced that Dream would never love him back never truly want George the way that George  wanted him.

They were on a discord call on a Friday night, recording a video for their shared YouTube channel that was gaining popularity.  They had both been working super hard on the plug-in they were testing and were having quite a lot of fun. That was until Dream started chasing George trying to get him to say "I love you" back.

"I love youuu, Georgie, why don't you love me?"

Despite the blush creeping up his face at the pet name Dream used, he was still not saying it back. In fact he was getting frustrated with Dream for trying to make him say the thing he'd been dying to for so long. This went on for a few more minutes the thoughts building in his head until-
"shut the hell up dream you don't love me."
"Yes I do Georgie!!! Cmon you love me too, say it."
"No, you don't love me, you'll never love me, never the way I love you."
"You- you'll never love me back because I love you as more that a friend and I- now I've thrown away the only thing that I have left to live for."
Wait George I do l-"

George disconnected from the discord call and felt the tears pricking up. This time he had messed up so bad that he managed to ruin a friendship of five years in thirty seconds. This time there's no going back. You lost the one thing you loved enough to stay alive, so why stay alive anymore? He wiped his eyes and threw random clothes in a duffel bag to sell his excuse, and strolled out to the living room.
"Mum, I'm going over to dreams house."
"Okay be back by noon tomorrow, we want to do something with the family."
"Okay mum, love you."
He walked out the door, but instead of going down three floors to dreams apartment, he went up five floors to the roof.

"What the hell?"

Dream had no idea what had just happened, but he decided he'd better go talk to George about it. He knocked on George's apartment door, which his mother opened. She looked extremely confused when he asked to speak with George, saying that George had gone to dreams house about a minute ago.

He figured that maybe George went up to the roof to think, like he often did, so dream quickly jogged up the stairs to the roof.

But when he got to the top he was met with a sight that scared him half to death.

George stood with his toes off he edge of his apartment building, with his arms speed out wide. His intentions to swan dive and die upon first contact with the street below. He closed his eyes and said a quick goodbye to his life and all the good bits he'd had and leaned foreward, tasting the sweet freedom before he was pulled back to reality by a pair of arms around his chest, pulling him back onto the rooftop.

When dream had seen George standing on the edge of  the roof spread eagle and a look of pure and unfiltered sadness on his face, his only thought was "NO". He ran across the roof as fast as his legs could carry him, and just in time he pulled George back on the roof.

The two boys landed in a heap, but George was very aware of the fact that he was on dreams lap. They just looked at each other for a second before Dream burst into tears.

"Why are you crying?"
"I- I- you- "
"It's okay, spit it out."
"You were going to- ?"
That only made him cry harder
" it it's all my fault you you were gonna kill yourself and I I'm the reason."
"What do you mean?"
" I do love you George."
"It's not the same dream-"
"Yes. It. Is. And it's my fault that you were going to kill yourself because you thought I didn't love you back. It it's my fault because I couldn't grow a pair and tell you how I felt."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I love you as more that a freind too, but I never had the guts to tell you."

They looked each other in the eye for a moment, looking at the other with slightly confused, but still completely in love eyes. They finally realized that George was sitting on dreams lap and they were centimeters away from each other, they quickly moved so that they were sitting next to each other. But dream grabbed George's hand, a pink tinge spreading across his face. He looked over to George, surprised to find George already looking at him. Their faces were so close together, he could barely think and he found himself leaning forward to give George a peck on the lips. 


Thank you for reading, have a drink of water, eat something, take care of yourself! If you have suggestions, pls leave them here =>

1030 words

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