Band kids

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Band kid au cuz I am one so yknow (haven't played my instrument since last March but we'll jump that hurdle when we get to it)

This ones just kinda general dream smp but there is some flirting ;)

We're just gonna pretend the dream smp is it's own private school and Phil is every teacher because I'm too lazy to write new people and also cuz I wanna go to that school. Band and choir are mandatory electives, but most of them don't mind because they like music.

Okay here's what each person plays;

Dream: alto saxophone

George: trumpet

Sapnap: percussion

Karl: clarinet

Quackity: bass clarinet

Jschlatt: French horn

Niki: flute

Puffy: trombone

Wilbur: guitar / fill in for other needed

Tommy: trumpet

Tubbo: clarinet

Ranboo: marimba

Purpled: flute

Antfrost: bells

Velvet: Barry sax 🎷

Callahan: xylophone

Bbh: French horn

Skeppy: flute

Techno: trombone

They all filed into the last class of the day, witch switched between choir and band. Today was a band day. They all got out thier instruments and put them together, sitting with thier sections, and beginning to warm up.

Dream sat behind George and yet again was blushing at the dark brown hair in front of him. He decided to pull a little prank today and started playing random scales, suddenly latching on to a particular melody.

(DeE nEe Ne nE dE nE nEe Ne DeEnEnEeNenEeeeeeee)

He started playing careless whisper, half lidding his eyes and trying to look seductive while also maintaining breath control. He didn't look seductive.

George whipped his head around, confused.

Everyone else stopped playing and looked over at dream. They had to admit, he sounded good.

Velvet joined in, playing at Ant and actually succeeded in looking suductive.

Wilbur walked in a tad late and began singing along because, what else do you do when two saxophones are playing careless whisper.

"Tonight the music seems so loud, I wish that we could lose this crowd~" Wilbur sang, quite well mind you, winking at no one in particular.

Tommy continued the song, on the wrong line.

"I'm never gonna dance again~" he said, frank sinatraing the heck out of his voice.

Tubbo kept the line going, "guilty feet have got no Rhythm~"

To everyone's mild surprise Ranboo continued the chain, "though it's easy to pretend, I know you're not a fool~"

Schlatt picked it up from there, also surprisingly good, "I should have know better than to cheat a freind~"

Wilbur picked it back up, quite enjoying the chain he created. "And waste a chance that I'd been given~"

Karl sang, to some surprise, but not too much

"I'm never gonna dance again~"

Finally Dream stopped playing and finished the lyric train, "the way I danced with you~~"

He serenaded George with the last line, winking at the end.

George grew steadily more flustered.

Phil walked in a little after wil and was thoroughly impressed.

After all, it wasn't everyday you walked in on your entire band playing and singing careless whisper.

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