Marlboro Nights

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I don't wanna go to school tomorrow
I can't study thinking about you
And you know I always do
I don't wanna go to sleep tonight
When I can stay up thinking about you
And you know I always do

Dream put his pencil down, and just gave up on the algebraic expression he had been trying to solve. It wasn't that he was bad at math, no, he just couldn't think right when there was him. George.

Dream leaned back in his chair and stared at his ceiling, daydreaming about that pretty and yet handsome face. That hair that he just wanted to run his fingers through over and over, that face that he wanted to kiss every square inch of.

On the other side of town, George was having the same predicament. Unable to focus on studying for any sort of finals due to the fact that his boyfriend was so damn pretty.

George debated calling Dream for a moment, but before he could press the contact his phone began buzzing. It was Dream.

"Hi" Dream said softly, giggling and hiding his blushing face.

"Hi" George replied, doing the same. 

"I can't study thinking about you..." Dream said bringing his face a little more into view.

"Me neither Love." George replied, keeping his face a bit hidden.

"I won't be able to sleep either." Dream replied with a frown. He wanted attention from his boyfriend.

George chewed his lip for a bit and remembered that his parents were gone for a few days on a business trip.

"My parents aren't home, you wanna come over maybe?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"You know I always do Love." Dream replied with a smile. He blew a kiss at the camera and hung up, leaving a lightly flustered George to wait for him.

When Dream arrived, he knocked a few times on the door before letting himself in and heading up to George's room. As soon as Dream saw the other boy he swept him up into his arms and kissed every part of him that he could.

They both slept incredibly well that night, curled up in each other's arms and completely happy.


Hello! Sorry I haven't written in a while, had a bit of a lack of motivation. Anyway, thank you so much for 20k reads!!! That is actually amazing to me and it is still quite hard to believe. Love you all <3 :)

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