Do you know why?

879 9 14

Angst dump. You can skip if you want.
POV could be either.

Do you know why?

Is it you're fault?

Why do you feel empty?

Like nothing.

You want to leave it all, don't you?

Nothing you do will make them understand.

The anxiety,

The depression,

The eating disorder,

And the impostor syndrome,

All you are is nothing.

All you'll ever be is nothing.

And all you'll ever feel is




You want the pain to go away,

You want it to all stop

But you can't.

You can't talk.

You can't even whisper.

All you can do is try to run from the pain.

But it claws it's way back.


And all you ever feel is nothing.




N o t h I n g

N o t h I n g

N o t h I n g

And the void in your heart, in your mind,

Will never be filled.

You are not worth love.

Not worth loving.

Not lovable.

Not livable.

Why don't you just die?


Do you know why?


I'm sorry about this

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