The ball (pt 2 the bet)

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Pt 2. 😎

They pulled up (a/n in a limo 👌✨) to the ballroom. Tommy mockingly opened the door for them, bowing jokingly.

Sapnap just rolled his eyes and left to find Karl.

Dream and George walked in together, getting a few funny looks from people passing on the street before they got inside. One guy yelled gay. Tommy flipped him off.

Skeppy and bad waked in with linked arms chittering about who knows what and both blushing like crazy.


they had all been dancing and drinking (not Tommy Tubbo or Ranboo of course) for hours but none were tired yet.

Dream had been spending the whole time trying to catch George for a dance but he was in popular demand.

Dream had finally caught him without a dance partner.

"Do you maybe want to dance?"

George nodded his head energetically and Dream led him out to the dance floor.

They saw Skeppy and bad still dancing together, and Karl and sapnap too. Quackity was in a corner glaring at them.

Niki and Wilbur spun around gracefully, fundy and TapL mimicking them but not quite with as much poise.

Phil twirled his wife around the dance floor with the biggest smile on his face.

Tubbo and Ranboo watched philza with little smiles. Tommy pretended to throw up.

Techno watched the whole party with an amused smirk.

(A/n I'm sorry I couldn't think of anyone else. I'm so tired)

Dream and George carefully stepped in tune to the music, huge smiles on their faces, eyes sparkling.

The song ended, and Dream had an idea.

"Do you wanna take a break for a bit?"

George just nodded, and smiled even wider.

Dream took him by the hand and led him over to the little staircase that he'd seen when he booked the place. It lead up to the roof.

The sky was clear and beautiful, the brightest stars mixing with the lights of the city.

Dream heard George's breath hitch and looked at him, expecting the others eyes to be on the stars.

To his surprise George was looking at him with a beautiful look in his eyes, of admiration and wanting.

Dream was shocked to see this but extremely happy either way.

He put his hand on George's cheek gently and said

"May I?"

George responded with a breathless

"Please do"

Thier lips connected in a kiss full of passion and longing.

Happiness was an emotion that they both felt wash over them like a calming wave.

They pulled apart and simply stared into each other's eyes, watching the stars in the reflections.

So this is love?


I hope you liked that!

It was super fun to write, and I loved the fluff.

Please vote if you enjoyed:)

Love you. Really I do. <3

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