Carnival rides

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This idea sprang up when I learned that the inventor of the Ferris wheel was named George Ferris. We're just gonna pretend everything I say is historically accurate, ok. Bare with me.

He turned the final bolt into place, setting his wrench down on the ground. Finally looking up  at his creation, this thing he'd spent years of his life on. He would finally be able to show it to the person he'd really started it for.

He turned a switch, lighting up the strips of Edison's that lined each seat. It had taken months to get the electric panels not to overload when turning on so many lights at once.

The wheel looked absolutely stunning even in the light of early dusk. He couldn't wait to show Dream.

He turned the lights off, threw on an overcoat and just decided to walk. He walked quickly down the nearly bare streets, only a few children utilizing the small amount of natural light left to play a game of hop-scotch.

He almost ran up the front path to his best friends house. He knocked energetically and the door opened after a a few seconds.

"Dream, Dream come with me! We haven't time to talk I need to show you something!" He simply dragged Dream out the door and down the street, not letting him even shove a word in edgewise.

They reached the workshop and George ordered Dream to shut his eyes, but after some childish refusal George ended up just holding his own hands over dreams eyes.

They went out into the now dark field on the backside of the workshop, the blanket of onyx air covering the wheel nicely. George removed his hands from dreams eyes, and dream was just confused. Until George clicked the switch.

Dreams eyes lit up like a child, absolutely stunned by the beauty and ingenuity of his friends new creation. He looked over at George to see him simply smiling at him and his childish antics.

Both of them truly were oblivious to the feelings they held. But the very first trip on the very first Ferris wheel would change that.

Seeing the childish wonder in his best friends eyes sparked some confidence within him. Maybe Dream felt the same? Of course they could never publicly be together but staying private would be so much better than nothing.

George gingerly took dreams hand and guided him over to the wheel. Dream interlocked ghost fingers, sending a blush over George's face. They climbed in the the seat, and George clicked a button. The wheel would make one full rotation and then stop when they themselves had reached the bottom.

They started moving slowly up, nearly matching pace with the moon. It was full, and oh so bright sitting there among the stars.

As they neared the crest of the rotation George carefully lay his head on dreams shoulder. In return Dream started talking about how amazing this creation really was. And he squeezed George's hand a little tighter.

Eventually the loud exclamations of George's brilliance turned into sweet nothings whispered into his ear, making him blush more than ever.

Eventually sweet nothings turned to confessions of mutual attraction, and confessions turned to kisses. Sweet and gentle, hidden by the cover of darkness and only for the two of them. It was utterly perfect.

The two moved in together two weeks later and history remembers the as "the best of friends". Truly, they had a relationship that no other friendship could rival. Not one.

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