Nine in the afternoon

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Hello darlings, sorry it's been so long.
Had a bit of writers block.
Anyway, here's some fluff to make up for it.


Cause it's nine in the afternoon,
And your eyes are the size of the moon,
You could cause you can so you do,
We're feeling so good,
Just the way that we do,
When it's nine in the afternoon~


The flower field was slick with dew from the earlier rain. The sky was just clearing, revealing the bright starry night, still holding just the smallest inklings of light to the west from the unseen sunset. 

Of course, Dream was too distracted by the boy next to him.  Despite the dim lighting, George was still the brightest thing to dream. The starlight dulled in comparison to the sparkles of his eyes.

Oh those eyes. Those gorges eyes. One a bright clear blue, that didn't pierce through him, but still held such a trance. The other a warm, chocalatey brown that nearly glowed with its warmth. Those beautiful eyes. Framed by the deep brown hair pale skin.

George had stopped talking for a while simply enjoying the night and the company. He leaned his head against dreams chest and lifted his eyes to the forest green ones already looking down at him. He giggled softly,and closed his eyes, cuddling in to the bigger boy almost like a cat. Dreams heart melted into a puddle.

Dream gingerly took George's face in his hands, staring into the depths of the seemingly different worlds of his eyes.

"You're eyes are the size of the moon." Dream whispered with a little giggle.

And then George kissed him because god damn how did he score such an adorable golden retriever of a boyfriend.

The kiss was simple and sweet, not long and not short. Heaven.

They pulled away from the kiss and went back to staring into each other's eyes, simply taking in the beauty of the other. If given the choice, they would have stayed there forever.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Sorry that was so short, still have some writers block going but wanted to get something out for you guys.


Anyway, love you guys, baiiiii <3

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