Crave you

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Based on the song "Crave You" by Flight Facilities.

TW- Heavy angst, suicide, and unrequited love

Oof this one'll be a doozy.

(Stacy and Caiden are not real people)


Why can't you want me like the other boys do?

They stare at me while I,

Crave you


George had always known he had that strange -appeal- that drew others to him. He couldn't explain it, or change.

He simply accepted the mostly unwanted attention. He learned early in life that people would give him what he wanted if he gave them a morsel of his affections.

Of course he got everything he wanted. Everything except for that witch he craved most.


The only thing Dream had ever seen in him was a friend, and George knew it. That fact alone ate him alive every night as he lay sleepless, unable to cease the longing to be held by the strong arms of the one he loved.

He wished more than anything to keep Dream safe as his own.

But he more than anyone knew that would never happen.


"Are you going to that masquerade ball in the park next Saturday?" George asked Dream, trying his best not to sound desperate.

"Oh yeah I am, Stacy asked me to go with her."

A lump formed in George's throat as he fought back the urge to cry.

"Oh yeah, I'm going with Caiden." That was a lie, but it wouldn't be hard to convince him.

"Not like I wanted to go with you or anything..." George mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Dream asked, bemused.

"Nothing, nothing." George was quick to reply.


George walked over to the dance floor with Caiden on his arm. As he'd said, it wasn't hard to convince him.

George wore high waisted dress pants and a crop tuxedo, all with gold embroidery. He also wore a dainty gold chain around his neck and large golden hoops in his ears. Gold rings on almost all his fingers. Gold heels. All because Dream had stated bluntly that he preferred gold to silver.

Time passed, and George had barely seen Dream at all.

Men and woman alike asked for dance after dance with the pretty boy, him barely being able to sneak off the dance floor for a break.

He rounded a corner, simply looking for sanctuary from his admirers. Although he was used to it, he still found it odd that people acted that was around him.

He rounded the next, still lost in thought. Although the sight before him would pull him from those thoughts pretty damn quick.

In front of him was Dream and Stacy. Kissing. A lot.

"Oh I-" Dream faltered. He hadn't been expecting an interruption.

George simply turned and fled.


the tears flew down his face, and he ran as fast as he could to his car.

Blinded by hatred and sadness it's a miracle he made it home alive.

Once inside he ran to his room and ripped off his shoes. He pulled the gold hoops from his ears, ripped the chain from his neck.

He sobbed as he ripped his gold embroidered jacket off and threw it on the floor. He hated gold.

He couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't live without the one thing he desired, cherished, needed.

So he decided that he wouldn't live.

The tears flowed down his face steadily as he wrote a simple note to the only thing he wanted and never got.

Why cant you want me like the other boys do? They stare at me while I... crave you.


A few minutes later, he was at the cliff by the water, a place he used to go to daydream about that witch he loved.

Now it would be his demise.

The wind blew steady and a beautiful sunset seemed to mock him, telling him he wouldn't be mourned.

His hair tumbled about the tears on his cheeks dried. The last thing he saw before his back hit the icy waves was his one true love, destined to never love him back.


Hello, I am sorry.

I will write the sequels to those soon, for now take an angst dump.

Luv ya <333

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