Merry christmas, georgie ❤️

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Enjoy the Christmas meme :p

George and dream were at their freind sapnaps  Christmas Eve party, and it was getting late. And dream was planning something.

Sapnap had hung a sprig of mistletoe by the door, and it was avoided by everyone like the plague. Dream was planning to use that very plant to confess his feelings to his long time crush, George. 

Everything was going according to dreams plan, well except for the fact that everyone passed out except for him and George, but hey that was better. If George liked him back then they could be told in the morning, and if not he would go die in a hole and their last memory of him would be a happy one.

When the clock read 11:59 Dream quietly spoke "hey can I speak with you outside?"
"Oh sure"

They both got up and walked to the door but before George could open the door,  Dream pulled him over to the side under the mistletoe.
"Dream what-" George whisper yelled, before he realized where he was. Dream said softly, "George, I'm in love with you. If you feel the same, close the distance." He leaned in, stopping just short of George's lips.

Without hesitation George leaned foreward a bit, capturing the other boys lips in his own. Dream kissed back immediately, savoring the moment.

When they broke apart, the clock read 12:01.
Dream quietly murmured "merry Christmas, Georgie." And they stood for a few minutes, foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes.

Here's a quick Christmas fluff ❤️.❤️
Merry Christmas, happy haunikah,
Or whatever you celebrate.

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