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Hi! My friend wrote this one but doesn't have a platform to publish it on, so shes putting it here!

George sat silently, poking the fire with a stick watching it curl and tug in different directions. He sighed resting his hand on his face, listening to the trees with their firey colors swish around along with the fire crackling.
He straightened up hearing foot steps, peering around him. He threw his stick into the fire and stood up, pulling a sword out. He expected an animal, but Dream? He told him he'd be in the forest camping for a while. Dream was wearing a vibrant lime green cloak he had never seen. Dream held a bucket of water and walked up to George, "Hey George! Just wanted to check up on ya and make sure you good." Dream chimed merrily as he stood infront of him.
"Hey, Dream. Didn't expect you too come out here." He admitted, staring curiously at him 'why is he here? When did he get a cloak? Wait, how was he out of jail?' "Hey Dream-" He was cut off as Dream's hand slipped and the bucket fell, putting the fire out.
"Oh shit! Sorry George, you can sleep in my tent tonight, if it'll make up for it." Dream said in a sly tone. "Im not freezing tonight because of you, so fine." George excepted "But no nasty stuf-" "George! Do you think I would put your fire out just to sleep with you?" Dream almost sounded suprised, if only he wasn't smirking.
Both traveled in silence walking to dreams tent. A sizable fire raged in a rock ring, with a lime colored tent. "Here we are" He smiles walking up to the tent, pulling it back a little. Revealing a minty blue blanket, looking quite cozy.
The pinks and blues painting the sky proved for it being late.
Dream crawled into the bed, now in his pajamas. A white sweater and thick grey pants. Georges similar outfit, blue and purple instead.
Both layed facing aeay from eachother, until a 'sleeping' dream rolled over and layed an arm over him. Georges eyes dilated, but relaxed. He gently nuzzled into the other. Dream smiled to himself, he knew George couldn't get enough of him. But being so close to him just made him feel butterflies. Georges soft snoring lulled him to sleep.
George awoke the next morning, shifting around only to feel something tighted on him, someones arms. He blinked and stared, who? "Gogy, what are you doing?" A grogy, chilling echoy voice asked. George stiffened confused. The hell just happened to his voice? "Dream?" He sounded terrified.
Immediately, he felt hands embrace him as dream curled around him. It felt possessive, yet comforing. "I'm sorry George, I hadn't met to frighten you." Dreams voice soothed him.
He eventually relaxed and cuddled back to Dream. Dream smiled, he couldn't help it.
"Hey, dream?" "Yes?"
"How did you escape prison?" "He didn't :)" George immediately tried sitting up only for him to be held down.
"Now now Georgey, we slept right next to eachother, cuddled as you call it. You were willing to be in your most defenseless state. And yet I didn't hurt you, so why panic?" DreamXD questioned.
George teared up, pulling his hands slightly how could he fall for this? Dream wiped the tear away, his steel grip on his hands not budging, "There there George, no need to cry." George couldn't tell if he was trying to quiet him down or was truly sympathetic.
DreamXD gently touched Georges face, pulling it closer to his own. George closed his eyes, the multitude of the others discomforted him.
DreamXD softly pulled away from him "I'm everything he is, and more. All you have to do is say you love me and I'll let you have, and do anything you want." George gently opened his eyes. He stuttered heavily, "I-I love you too". DreamXD smiled widely, loosening his grasp on Georges hands, moving them to his body pulling him against himself. DreamXD kissed him deeply, finally, he had him all to himself. No one standing in his way.

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