Pure sweet fluff after some angst.

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Don't expect creative titles from me.
TW: angst ⚠️⚠️⚠️(don't think it's heavy but it's self hate, depression, suicidal thoughts. Okay yeah it might be heavy)

Dream stared at himself in the mirror.

You're ugly.

You don't matter. 

You're fat.

Just give up.

End it now.

He curled into a ball of self loathing.

He hated his vast and how weak he was.

But especially he hated his face. That was why he never did a face reveal. He knew his fan base would all leave him when they saw the how mess he truly was.


one month later and nothing was better. And now George was coming to visit. He just knew George would think he was ugly and awful. He would hate him. Ugh why did he have two have a stupid crush?!

Yet again he curled into a ball on the floor, crying. It didn't last long, thought. He had to be  at the airport to pick up George. 

He stood back up and wiped his face off. He put on a better outfit. He walked out the door.

He acted so chill but internally he was freaking out.


George got off the plane, an eager bubbly-ness to his actions showing through.

He would finally put a face to his crush of two years. He couldn't wait.

Dream called him so they could organize a meeting place. They decided on a small fountain near the baggage claim. George eagerly jogged over towards there, whipping his head around to try and catch a glimpse of the blond hair and bright blue sweatshirt of his freind.

"I see you George!"

He whipped his head around even faster. And they finally fell on a tall, blond, absolute god of a man he knew had to be dream. 

F u c k

George just stood there and stared. He stared and the light little ringlets that framed eyes so green he could almost see them. His long eyelashes where golden like his hair. His nose was perfectly formed along with high cheekbones and smooth full pink lips that looked baby soft. And very kissable.


He's staring at me. Oh god he thinks I'm ugly. He must want to turn around and walk away.

Dream panicked like crazy inside.

But to his surprise George ran towards him like an Olympic sprinter and wrapped him in a python hug. 

He pulled away after a bit with a big smile on his face.




one week later and Dream had managed to hold in his panic attacks but today was too much.

He'd caught George staring at him for the third time that day. He was really that ugly? That George ogled at him?

He said he was going to bed, and once o it of sight ran to the bathroom. He saw his reflection and immediately started sobbing.

He curled into himself on the floor, huddled into a corner. He thought he was being quiet.

He wasn't.


George heard sobbing and quickly went to dreams bedroom, not seeing him anywhere in there but he saw the light in the master bath was on. He burst in the room to see the man he loved curled up in a ball in the corner sobbing.

His heart shattered.

"What's the matter?!" He asked frantically. He'd do anything to make Dream stop.

"I-" Dream just sobbed harder.

"Hey, hey. It's alright. You can tell me what's bothering you."


Dream suddenly burst, crying all the harder when he finished.

George realized what was happening mad thought for a quick second before he simply said "no".

"You are so much more than that dream. I stare because you face is a work of art, and I never want to stop looking."

George knelt down onto his knees and gently took dreams face in his hands so that green eyes looked right into brown.

"And if your life ended then I would have died out of sheer grief for losing my best friend, the man I love. "

George stated honestly.

"You- love me?" Dream choked out in a voice full of childish wonder.

"Of course I do, who wouldn't? You're funny, smart, kind, handsome, and perfect just the way you are."

The tears had finally stopped and Dream pushed his face a bit closer to George stopping with a few centimeters between them as a form of silent question of consent.

George closed the distance without hesitation, a small smile on his face.

To dreams dismay George broke the kiss, but he stood up and held out a hand for Dream to take. Happily he obliged and allowed himself to be lead out of the bathroom. 

George pulled him over to the bed and flipped down.

"Cuddles. Now. " he demanded with an adorable pout.

Dream climbed into the bed and took the position of big spoon. They tangled thier legs together and help each other tight.

"And you know..."

George began in a whisper.

"Having thigh pillows does not mean your fat. It's really quite a good quality if you ask me."

Dream giggled quietly.

He knew it would not be today, or next week, maybe not even next year. But with George's help, support and love he knew he could get himself out of the hole he'd dug.



Hope you enjoyed, if you did you could maybe vote 🥺👉👈 hehe you don't have to if you don't want to.



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