[|Dreams - Fleetwood Mac|]

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Not me writing yet another songfic. Just for the vibes tho, enjoy! No warnings just some soft fluff!

YouTube link up at the top, listen while you read!

[please read the bottom authors note for some important schtuffs]

Rain lightly tumbles onto the windshield of George's beat up old Ford Mustang that he found at an estate sale for a criminally low price, but he can't complain. The quiet pitter of the rain is calming, and on the horizon there's a few golden rays of sun that told him it was nearly sunset. The gentle thrum of a familiar song floats its way up to his ears from the vintage radio in his very vintage car.

Okay, so maybe going on a road trip up the east coast in a 1973 Ford Mustang was a little bit dumb (especially in Vermont). but who else could say that they took their endearingly dumb American boyfriend on a road trip in a vintage mustang? George thought to himself. As if on cue, said dumb American rolled over in his reclined seat, and now he faced George. A small trill ran through his heart seeing his adorable boyfriend with his adorable bed head.

The rain lightened a little more as they neared the aforementioned golden sun rays that now turned the little droplets of water into molten gold, casting a shimmery hue over the whole car. George spares a glance at his passenger and the breath is nearly knocked out of him.

Soft skin and messy but still so perfect hair washed in gold and red. His freckles each stood out like small spots of amber, soft and yet defined jawline quivering a little as the rain slows more and the sun slowly gets brighter. So, so perfect.

The music swells, as much as any Fleetwood Mac song "swells".

Thunder only happens when it's raining-

A distant clap of thunder from the storm behind them wakes Dream, in time for his turn to be breathless. Beautiful chestnut hair bathed in golden sun and the few drops of rain left to fall from the sky reflect even more little flecks of unobtainable precious metal upon soft cheeks and an even softer smile. George hums along to the rest of the chorus, not realizing Dream had woken up.

Players only love you when they're playing,

Say, Women, they will come and they will go,

When the rain washes you clean you'll know, you'll know-

And if Dream told you he didn't pretend to be asleep just to take in this breathtaking scene a little longer, he would be lying.

Finally he sits upright, and fixed his seat somewhat clumsily. Old things are hard to work with sometimes, but so are new one.

"Hey sleepyhead, you're finally up." George says ever so softly, melting dreams heart a little bit more.

"You're so pretty." Dream replies, still groggy and slurring his words a little, but the sentiment stood.

George smiled a little wider and a faint blush spread on his cheeks. He took dreams hand, and gently intertwined their fingers, giving dreams hand a little squeeze.

"You are too." He replied, making the other blush as well.

If sapnap were with them he would be fake vomiting out the window from all this tooth rotting sweetness.

But it was just the two of them on this trip, and that's all they really needed.

Aaahh why can't I have relationships like the ones I make up in my head-

Anyway, sorry this is so short but I was feeling a bit motivated today. I'm also sorry about the lack of update recently, but in about to go into high school so I've been pretty stressed with school things.

I have a big question for you guys, though!

I have like 50 unfinished drafts, I was wondering if you guys want me to post them? It would be like a prompt list with light examples I guess. Just sort of things I wanted to write but never got around to. I would also be fine with you guys writing my prompts as well! As long as you tag me lol.

Anyway if you want me to post the drafts lmk in the comments here ->

Have an amazing day/night and if you haven't yet, you should eat something (even if it's small) or drink some water!

Love you guys <3

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