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George gently tossed another pebble in to the little stream, that lightly splashed and bubbled so contently on this late winters night. Or perhaps early spring. The scent of new life was just barely in the air, the moment you would notice it the feeling was gone, but left behind was a tiny sliver of hope for something fresh and bold and so temporary it was beautiful.


So contrasting to the fragility of early spring, was the ever standing night sky reflected upon each tiny ripple sent out by every pebble George threw. A world of beauty unbeknownst to the likes of fragile humans. He brought his eyes up from the water to the heavens, that shone in all their glory, the big bright moon standing proud like a centerpiece completing the work of art that fitted the night sky. And slowly a sense on nuance overtook him. He felt as though something new, something uncalled for. And just as George had taken in this new feeling, this new tranquility, he heard tentative footsteps approaching.


He dropped the small handful of pebbles he had collected, and turned to face this person who had disturbed his peace. And to his (rather slight) surprise, it was Dream.

"H-hey." Dream sort of awkwardly greeted.

"Hi? How did you know where I went?"

"Um, sap told me that you come out here sometimes. And I uh- needed to talk to you about something." Almost cartoonishly, Dream regained his confidence.

Desperate hands found George's and brought them up between the two boys. George just stood, feeling like he was watching a movie of his own life. But wait, this position was so familiar. On the roof, at the senior dance. So close yet so far. But then Dream spoke, jolting George back to reality.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't kiss you. But it was obvious I wanted to. I chickened out, and I've regretted it everyday since. So George I need to ask, can I kiss you.?"

For a moment George stood dumbfounded in place, feeling almost paralyzed. But dreams words finally sank in. George, almost desperately pressed his lips to the other mans. It was a short, sweet little kiss. But it was everything they could have wanted.

And so, under the bright late February night sky , with that warm-ish breeze that hinted towards spring, something new formed.

But unlike this early spring, their relationship would last, their love would last, far longer even that the sky they gazed upon that night.


Heyy did you guys miss me-

I've been sad and busy, sorry about that haha.

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