Umm tiktok trend thing i guess?

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So I saw quite a few videos that were George singing "American Boy" to Dream during a manhunt to distract him. I'm writing that. Lol this sounds so serious. 

"CMON GEORGE, YOU HAVE TO DISTRACT HIM. please?" Sapnap whisper screamed at George, getting a softer, more desperate tone at the end.

"George you know we wouldn't make you if it weren't necessary." Bad reasoned with a much more persuasive tone.

"Then why can't one of you do it?" He spat, refusing to do such a stupid thing and reveal his crush on Dream for a manhunt.

"Ummm, I know I might be inferring a little too much, but, if we kill Dream and get out of this glitched VR world, and he doesn't like you back you can just never talk to him again?" Ant chipped in quietly.
(A/n I'm sorry if I wrote how he talks wrong I don't really watch antfrost. )

George knew they were right, and he knew that he was being stupid, but he was just petrified of what Dream would do. The only way he could imagine it going was badly. Dream rejecting him, telling him to never speak to him again, shunning him.

But he knew that this was the right thing to do, at least in thier situation. Well, I guess I'd better brush up on my singing skills.


George walked out into the clearing dream was in. The masked man didn't run though, as his expert eyes had already honed in on the fact that George was weaponless and armorless. Even thought he knew this, George put his hands up in a sign of weakness, showing his vulnerability.

"Why did you come all the way out here unarmed? Do you want to die? Is respawning cool or something?"

"No- i- umm..." he tripped gracelessly over his words, cursing his own mouth for malfunctioning.

He cleared his throat, and stalled for a fraction of a second before acting it out just as he had practiced.

(A/n I'm getting secondhand embarrassment writing this part, just a warning.)

He busted out the first lyric in a surprisingly strong voice.

"Take me on a trip, I'd like to go someday,"

He stepped a bit closer to dream, feeling his blush creeping across his cheeks. He tried to move seductively, but george was pretty sure he looked awful.

" take me to New York, Id love to see LA,"

Dream seemed super confused but seemingly intrigued and he moved forward with George,
Carefully so, as if they were doing a particular sort of dance that required full attention. He barely seemed to notice that George was an inch from him now.

"I really want to, come kick it with you,"

At kick George pulled the main piece of the plan into action, jumping up on to dream, wrapping his arms around dreams neck and his legs around dreams waist. This was to force dream to support George's extra weight to avoid falling over, effectively tying his hands up so he was incapable of using his sword.

"you'll be my American boy~"

George them pulled the final pieces of the plan into play, gulping quickly before tanking dreams mask up and without even looking at him, George kissed Dream, as distractingly as possible.

He knew that ant would be using his catlike abilities to sneak up on Dream and kill him, and he hoped to god the plan had gone well on the other side.

He knew that it had when his vision went black and a message sprawled out in from of him.

>Dream was slain by Antfrost <

When George woke up from the blackout he immediately noticed two things.

One; his VR headset had disappeared and he was back in the real world.

Two; his face was inches from dreams, and they seemed to have fallen in a tangled mess on the floor of the recording studio.

Bad, sap, and ant had all seemed to have woken up before them, and they were alone.

Dream opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He had also noticed their position it was obvious, but didn't seem to be trying to change it.

George prepared for the shunning and foul things he'd be called, but instead he heard four words that he didn't expect.

"Did you mean it?"

There was hope and affection in dreams eyes and it made George's heart melt. He restricted the urge to smother him in kisses and instead answered with:

"Yes. Every word. I'm... I'm in love with you dream." He bit his lip and looked at the ground nervously.

Dream stood up abruptly, pulling George up with him and quickly wrapping him in a drowning hug and said happily,

"I love you too"

He pulled out of the hug and just looked into George's eyes for a moment, before locking their lips again.



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Have a good day/ night and remember self care and stay safe.

Luv ya ❤️✨

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