Umm... yall want some food...?

992 24 13

This is based off a tiktok video I saw by
@ I'm schnazzy . It's very trash but heyyy~ this is what I get for writing a chapter everyday until Valentine's Day.

"Oh my god it's so cold in here!" George complained in a whiny voice.

"Ugh, do you want my sweater?" Dream replied.

he'd already noticed George shivering and had been waiting for the chance to offer his sweatshirt, because he knew how absolutely adorable George would look in his sweatshirt.

"Yeah, thanks." George said taking the offered sweater and slipping it on.

It was so big on him the hem reached almost his knees and his hands had giant sweater paws.

Oh god he's so cute.

Dream could feel his face heating up a bit as he stared at George without realizing.

George stared back, biting his lip a bit.

They subconsciously moved closer to each other on the couch.

(A/n insert *sexual tension grows*)

Ever so slowly they got so that there was only a few inches of space between them and thier noses brushed.

All of the sudden they both moved at once and then they were kissing.

It was pure emotion and longing, and happiness.

That was until-

"Umm... y'all want to get some food...?"

Sapnap had walked into the room, and currently had a horrified expression on his face. 

Oh shit.


Yeah it's short. Goodnight.

Dreamnotfound one shots :) Where stories live. Discover now