Im sad

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So now you can be too! Honestly I have no plan for this, I'm just making it up as I go. Because I'm that detrimental sad where is listening to wilbur soot and writing sad fanfics speaks to me. Anyway, enjoy.

⚠️(TW//self harm is mentioned, as well as dark/suicidal thoughts!!!)⚠️

A simple phrase slipped out of his mouth as a single tear slipped down his cheek.

"Please... I can't do this anymore."

A quiet, dry, painful sob wracked his lungs, stealing away any hope he might have held. His heart ached, but his wrists ached more.  Those thin, pale scars made themselves apparent as he spared a glance down towards his hands. His thighs were even more battered and bruised, not from a knife, but from his own hands. Pinches, slaps, punches.

Tears slowly stained pale freckled cheeks and slightly matted shaggy blonde hair. Dream caught a glance of himself in the mirror, and another painful sob tore itself from his body.

The image of him was burned into dreams mind. Him, flirting with her. Blocky characters crouching and dancing in circles around each other. Pretend kisses shared from halfway across the world from each other through a silly block game. Kisses that meant nothing to them in that moment. Kisses that meant everything to Dream.

"I'm such an idiot... why would he ever like me anyway..."

With resentment Dream stood up and faced the mirror hanging on his bedroom wall.

"Look at me... I'm scrawny,... and pale. And covered in ugly freckles."

He pinched his arm with displeasure, forming a brand new bruise to cover.

"And my awful yellow-blonde hair... and my disgusting hands, and weird face, and swamp-green eyes."

New tears pricked his eyes as he picked up his phone to see if George had answered his message yet. No, of course he didn't. "I'm not that important, why would he prioritize me? I'm so selfish."

Dream took it upon himself to simply lay in bed and drown in self loathing. Why couldn't he just end it all, right now? No he was to much of a coward, to much of a fool.

And then all of the sudden, his doorbell rang. And he panicked. He stood up to asses the damage in his mirror only to find a bunch more bruises all over his thighs and arms and a very tear stained face. Cursing himself silently, he threw on an oversized hoodie that barely covered his thighs and prayed to whatever the duck was holy that his thighs wouldn't show. The tears, however, he couldn't do anything about.

Not so bravely, he scurried to the door after the second chime of his doorbell.

He opened the door, just to immediately be pounced on by some small, brunette man. What the fu- and then he saw the luggage, and the tousled slightly familiar hair, and the face- of,



Pt2 ? Sorry it's so short but I'm super tired-

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