A marraige of love and convenience

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This doesn't have anything to do with canon personalities, places, or family trees. I just pulled this whole AU out of my ass while building a technoblade themed palace in Minecraft. (Also both dream and George are 18 in this)

(Cover art not mine got it off Google)

"George, you've come of age to rule. It is time we had a ball so you can meet your potential brides. Or grooms."

"But father I-"

"I'm sorry but by law you must choose a partner to rule with by the end of your eighteenth year. As you know, the last time a ruler died a bachelor, war broke out over the kingdom. This was-"

"Yes, father. You've told me the story a million times. King Stampy died with no spouse and no children, and war "blossomed from the heart of the capitol as every lord and lady faught to rule the land" and long story short within ten years we went through three different kings who all did a terrible job and now we've split into the five kingdoms of Snowchester, Pogtopia, L'Manberg, logestershire, and DreamSMP."

"Well at least you've done your homework. I'm sorry but we'll have to. Of course we'll invite everyone even if they're already married or if they're underage so you can see your freinds. Obviously We won't be able to make an aliance with snowchester or logestershire (a/n that's pronounced luh-Jess-ter-shire) so your options will be Lady Niki, Prince Fundy, Prince Badboyhalo, Prince Skeppy, Prince Sapnap, Prince Karl, Prince Quackity, and Prince Dream. Lots of princes this generation, huh. I hope you have a daughter. Or adopt a daughter. Daughters."

Technoblade walked away, rambling to himself about how odd it was that so many princes had been born.

George shook his head watching techno walk away.

(A/n just so you know, Snowchester is ruled by the platonic husbands, witch is why there can't be an alliance with them. Logestershire is basically the wild lands of the world, under only the loose supervision of Tommy, whom is a minor, so he is not an option. Niki is an option because she is a Lady of L'manberg, Fundy is the prince  of L'manberg,  so both are  worthy of royal marriage. L'manberg itself is run by Wilbur and used to be co ruled by sally but you know... Pogtopia is where Technoblade and his advisor Phil rule with Technoblade s adopted son George. All the other princes come from the dreamSMP kingdom witch is split into three sections, Egg, feral, and mask. Adopted children count as royal children and any lgbt+ relationships are always allowed. Wow that's some lore. Oops. If you have questions ask.)


The night Of the ball George was debating whether to wear his suit or his dress. Both blue of course but he was rather undecided.

He finally decided on his pantsuit with the flowy pants and his formal blazer.

He got dressed and put on very minimal makeup, only some eyeliner and highlighter.

He styled his hair carefully. He'd grown it just long enough that he could use his curler without burning the hell out of his scalp. He curled it so it was fluffy, with little waves.

He placed his tiara on his head carefully. The sapphires set into the thin gold band twinkled in the light of his room.

He checked the time.

Perfect. He thought to himself. There were five minutes til the guests were set to arrive.

Quickly he rushed into the ballroom, shoes clicking on the highly polished floor.

He walked over the blood red carpet set under the thrones and sat in his rightful place on the left of his father. The nervous butterflies fluttered in his stomach.

Techno remained silent, simply watching the clock.

At 8:00 on the dot the sound of footsteps could be heard. In walked Ranboo and Tuboo, along with thier toddler Micheal. Micheal ran up to George excitedly, his little paws making grabby hands. George stood up and picked Michael up, spinning him around.

Techno shook Ranboo and Tubbos hands in a formal greeting.

On Ranboos finger a ring of onyx and pearl shimmered in the low lighting.

George felt himself oddly excited for when he would have a ring on his own finger.


As all the non marriage candidates had been gathered in the ballroom, techno got up and stood in front of the people of his own kingdom and of all the others.

"We will now bring in our Bachelors/Bachelorette!"

The crown cheered. There were many very special guests who had come from the farthest reaches of the worlds to see the marriage of the SMPs most eligible bachelor. (A/n DEATH OF A BACHELORRRRRR OH OH OH, LETTING THE WATER FALL-)

Corpse and Sykunno had traveled the farthest. No one quite knew where they came from but they told fantastic stories of the stars.

"Our first very special guest, Lady Niki, of L'manberg."

Niki walked out onto the stage wearing a beautiful pink dress, and her hair styled gorgeously.

George felt nothing looking at her. Well, he had a strong want to become best freinds with her and rant about anything and everything to her, but that wasn't quite what he was looking for.

Our second Prince, Prince Fundy of L'manberg."

A man with- fox ears and a fluffy tail?!- walked across the stage looking very uncomfortable.

George still felt no spark, though he did want to touch his ears.

(A/n Originally I was going to introduce all of them but that's repetitive and I have no attention span so we're skipping.)

"And lastly, Prince Dream of Mask." 

(A/n I swear to god I had no idea about dreams new song when I wrote the beginning of this-)

A beautiful, tall, basically drop dead gorgeous man walked across the stage. His eyes were a beautiful emerald green, matching his formalwear perfectly. (Bestie George is not colorblind here, kk)

George's eyes widened and he felt his cheeks grow slightly warmer. He found himself wanting to know more about this elusive prince. He'd never heard anything of the princes his age until that week, so they were all pretty much a mystery. He could read them all like open books. But this Dream? He was different.


The Ball had been going long into the night, and George had danced with every suitor but the man in green. He was starting to get a little frustrated, and wanted to whine like a child. Of course he didn't as he was a prince, but he still wanted to.

As he simply watched others dance across the floor, having so much fun he was jealous, someone came up behind him unnoticed.

Dream tapped George on the shoulder gently.

George jumped out of his skin and turned around with his eyes wide and a hand on his chest. Realizing who had tapped his shoulder he blushed a bit.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" Dream rushed to apologize.

George was surprised by the way he spoke. He had not expected the intimidating (but hot) prince to really be a cinnamon roll. He wasn't complaining though.

"Im not really one for dancing so I thought maybe you could take me on a tour of you castle intead? I'm sorry if you don't want to itsastupidideailljustgoawaynow-" Dream rushed the Ned of his sentence and started to walk away.

George grabbed his arm before he could leave and said "it's not a stupid idea. I'm sick of dancing anyway. Cmon, follow me!"

George melted at the happy surprise painted on dreams face.


Yet again leaving you to wait for a part two
>:] hehe

Yeah sorry I'm definitely writing a part two for this but I wanted to get something out.

Also sorry for all a/n s

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