Fluff vs. Angst: top ten anime battles

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Okay just go with the flow for this one. Basically I'm going to write the basic one paragraph start to a one shot. Then I will write one two paragraph fluff ending and one two paragraph angst ending. Comment witch was ur favorite and if you like/dislike this concept for writing practice. Enjoy:)

1. Asleep

The gentle noise of his breathing filled the otherwise quiet room. His boyfriend simply watched the cocoon of blankets rise and fall. Only the tip of his nose was visible in the dim lighting, making dreams heart melt.

[angst ending] TW mentioned suicide ⚠️⚠️⚠️

That was, if Dream still had a heart. Well in all technicality he did, but it had ceased to beat years ago. For it was now a see through nothing veiled by the clothing he had died in, the bloodstains looked as fresh as they had that day.

For years he had followed the daily routine of his widowed lover, who was the reason he had not yet crossed over. Every day he watched George awaken at the ripe hour of eleven in the morning, have a cup of coffee, work for 10 hours, and then cry himself to sleep. He was a husk of a man, all because he still blamed himself for dreams death, 3 years ago the next day. Dream knew what he was planning, and could do nothing for it. George would join Dream in the in-between, in the farthest way from cowardice and yet the closest.

[fluff ending]

Drea was laying on his side simply watching the beautiful being he was blessed to be able to call 'mine'.  He was so in love with the brunette. From his fluffy, soft hair to his beautiful coffee brown eyes and porcelain skin.

George's eyes fluttered open tiredly, only really open a slit. Seeing Dream so close to him without his guard up made him blush, which In turn made Dream whisper-chuckle quietly.
"I love you" Dream muttered happily, kissing George's nose lightly. George blushed harder and replied "'love you too." In that moment both boys realized that they wanted to spend the rest of thier lives with the other, and both smiled to themselves.


Okay kinda short. Nvm very short but I'm tired and felt like writing so here's content. 

If you like this and want me to do more then comment "💙" or "<3"

Of you didn't like it comment "💔" or "</3"

Thank you, have a good night/day

Luv ya

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