Chapter 28

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I sighed as I saw both my parents tapping they're legs in the floor .
" What's this ? Have u been talking to BRANDON lately ? " my mom asked . I looked down
" Mom , your supposed to support me . Whoever I like u should like . And BRANDON if amazing . He brings a smile into my face and makes me laugh that's all I need in a guy . I would have never though of telling u but BRANDON told me U have the right to know . " I said .she looked at me .
" Hmmm . Ok ? I'm sorry hon , but before we make final decisions I wanna meet his BRANDON boy . " My mom said I looked at her and nodded .
I gave her a big hug .
" Thank u thank u thank u " I said as she just smiled .
My eyes where watering . My parents where really mean to me . Since I told to them about Nikki . I feel so bad right now . My parents came into my room .
" Son , we have been thinking of what we have said to U . We are sorry . I guess our words must have hurt you . But we wanna see Nikki . " My dad said .
" Really ? Thnx , I swear you will not regret this . " I said . My dad smiled and so did my mom .
I was gonna text nikki . And a smile appeared when she texted me .
Nikki - Hey BRANDON :) eeeee . I have great news .
BRANDON - me tooooo :O you'll be beyond happy when u find it out .
Nikki - You tell first ,
Nikki- Fine . See , my parents said they would allow me to talk to u but they need to see u . Tomorrow morning .
Brandon - Wow :) that's great . I'm so happy . And my parents told the same . They want to meet u tomorrow in the night.
Nikki- This is great !!!!! Eeeee . I can't wait for tomorrow .
Brandon - see how God always blesses us .
Nikki - he loves us :) we love him :)
Brandon - yeah . I love u too .
Nikki - Brandon I love u thousand times more .
Brandon - Oh nikki . Anyways tomorrow I'll be there ok <3
Nikki - PLS be there in time my parents likes people who come in time .
Brandon - and I will I promise.
Nikki - I have to go see you tomorrow .
Omg . Two good news . I can't believe this . Ok dude . Your gonna be fine act as a gentle men there .
Oh wait you already are !
Thanks me :)
Oh my man theo send me a message .
Theo - Sup man .
Brandon - nothing much bro .
Theo - what happened with the nikki thing , and your parents .
Brandon - Bro. , they finally said yes and so did NIKKIS parents . Now I'll have to google how to be a gentle men .
Theo - haha , that's great news man .
Brandon - I know . Now what about U and Zoey ?
Theo - Yeah . About her . Man I don't know why but I'm really shy around her bro . I like her so much .
Brandon - Then u have to tell her man .
Theo - YA mean it bro .
BRANDON - tots dude . Man up .
Theo - Ok . I'll ask her first thing tomorrow .
BRANDON - good luck :)
Theo - thnx so much dude .
Brandon - Bye no prob .
- next morning
Omg I have to wake up . I ran to the washroom . And brushed my teeth . I washed my face .
I put on a mouth wash . And after some minute spitted it out . I ran and took a bath . Shampooing my hair.
I dried my hair . And put on a black shirt and pants . And put on a coat .
I had a flower in my hand . I put on a little cream in my face .
And took on some chocolates and sweets . I went to her house .
- At NIKKIS house .
I looked up . Took a huge breath . And knocked on the door .
Someone open the door . It was Brianna .
She was wearing a two pony . And a princess sugar plumb dress . A little bit of blush .
" Hi BRANDON ! " Brianna said with a smile .
" Oh Brianna hi ." I said with a big smile in my face .
" Can I ask u a question ? " Brianna said . I nodded .
" Do boys have cooties " she whispered in my ears . haha .
" let's just keep it as a secret " I said . As I went in her house .
It was truely beautiful . NIKKIS parents came .
" Good morning sir and mam " I said to both of them.
" Good morning BRANDON " They said in Unison. I handed them the chocolates and sweets that where in the cover .
" These are for U " I said.
" Oh there was no need to " NIKKIS mother said . I just gave a quick smile .
" Oh please sit " NIKKIS dad said as I smiled .
" Thnx " I said as I sat .down .
" So . What's your hobby ? " NIKKIS dad asked .
" I mostly like hanging with animals . So I usually take care of them at fuzzy friends " I said smiling thinking of the cute animals . NIKKIS father smiled .
" That's great ! Why do u like nikki ? " NIKKIS father asked .
" I like her because she's independent shy . She's sweet and everything I want in a girl " I said smiling and thinking of nikki .
OMGGG BRANDONS here . I hope he wasn't late . I rushed down stairs to see BRANDON . He looked eeeee hot . Just like a gentle men .
" I like her because she's independent shy , sweet and everything I want in a girl " he said . I blushed so hard I was literally like a tomoto . He
I came in , and both my dad and BRANDON where staring at me .
" Hi dad Hi BRANDON " I said with a smile on my face . I sat down next to BRANDON .
My mom carrying a tray with REALLLY good cold coffee . She gave one to each one of us . And took one for herself . She offered us doughnuts .
" So brandon , what would u like to take as UR currier " My mom said .
I looked at BRANDON hoping he won't mess up .
" Well , I'd love to take business . " He said . My mom nodded .
" If u had to chose love or money what would u choose " My dad asked . I sighed . What's wrong with dad .
" Well , both are really important . But I would take love any day instead of money . Money can't bring you happiness , love can ! " BRANDON said . I looked at him . He's sooooo sweet .
" Well said BRANDON " My dad said . As BRANDON smiled .
" Do you have any questions for us ? " My mom told .
" Not really , I trust u sir and mam " BRANDON said with great respect in his eyes . I smiled.
" Wow mam and sir are u like 21 you guys look so young " BRANDON said . As we all chuckled .
" Well not really , but thanx for the complement " Both my mom and dad said together .
" your a real gentle men , and U passed the test " My mom said .
" But PLS take great care of nikki . " My dad said .
" Don't break her heart or I swear you'll be in huge trouble " My mom said . I looked at my mom with my eyes widened .
" Sir and mam ,I will never hurt Nikki . I swear and I'll take great care of her " BRANDON said .
Wow wow Wow people are acting asif we are getting married !!!!!!! We are not . We are just bf and gf.
My mom ordered Chinese and now we are eating .
Omg I'm gonna meet BRANDONS parents . I'm shivering .
" It's fine " Brandon said .
" My parents aren't gonna eat U " Brandon said again . I chuckled .
" I'm scared BRANDON , will UR parents like me ? " I said . BRANDON nodded . We entered BRANDONS house . It was huge . I've never seen his house before and wow I guess he's OH SO RICH . Because his house was HUGE !
I went inside and I saw BRANDONS parents smile .
" Hi your nikki right ?" Her mom said smiling very comforting .
" This is fo for you " I said handing them chocolates
" Oh sweetie your shivering . Don't be scared . Come on in " her mom said as I went in .
Hiiiii eeee
A long chapter . Sorry didn't update for like forever . :) thnxxxxx for commenting and voting all sorts of sweet Things eeeeeeee. Ples keep commenting and voting. Mostly comment :) I loveeee comments . thnx for everything. And this is a very long chapter bye .

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