Chapter 31

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Nikks POV
I smiled at what happened yesterday wow . The chills . I almost forgot that the schools reopening . I put on a casual jeans and a shirt and put my hair in a high pony tail . I went to school .
- at school
I went to my locker as always to see MACKENZIE putting 7 layers of lipgloss. she looked at me for a second and applied her lipgloss again . I rolled my eyes .
" you really are obsessed with yourself EH ? " I mumbled . She looked at me wide eyed .
" How dare u talk to me like that you dork " she said . Wow causal stuff happen , SHE CALLED ME A DORK . It's getting so boring nowerdays .
" omg thanx Mackenzie , that's the sweetest thing you ever said to me " I said in a sarcasm voice . She just rolled her eyes . And sashayed away . well U probably know that I hate hate hate WHEN SHE SASHAYS . I looked at a guy . He seems unfortunately very similar . But I haven't seen him in this school . I walked up to him .
" Hey .... Are u new ? " I asked because I haven't seen him like anywhere , he nodded .
" I'm Mike " he said giving a huge smile . He had a straight brown hair . And some hair in his eyes , he had blue eyes .
" I'm Nikki Maxwell . Do you want me to show you around here " I said .
" Oh yes that'd be great " he said . His accent was British , and wow amazing .
" Here follow me " I said he handed me his schedule .
" Wow looks like your in my class , I bet we will have a lot of fun :) " I said to him .
" Cool " he said taking the hair OUTTA his eyes .
" So this here is my locker . " I said to him . He just nodded , MACKENZIE was there so she spotted him .
" Hey you ? Are u new " she said twirling her hair and flirting with him . I rolled my eyes .
" Yeah " he said . She just drooled all over Him .
" That's MACKENZIE " I said . He shrugged .
" Hey MACKENZIE " he said . She twirled her hair again .
" Well U want me to show you around ? " She said , I rolled my eyes .
" Thanx , but I guess NIKKIS got that covered . " he said . I just smiled and shrugged .
" Well ..,,, if u wanna go with her " I said .
" Umm Nikki you asked me first " he said , I smiled . And nodded. And MACKENZIE just glared at me .
" Wow she seems like like a ... Drama queen " he said . I chucked .
" She's tots the mean bee" I said him . I told him everything the whole story . When I came here what MACKENZIE did to me . What I have gone through .
" Wow wow wow . That must've been hard " he said I just nodded . Then I spotted CHLOE and Zoey .
" Oh hey " Zoey said to me .
" Who's this " CHLOE said .
" This right here is Mike " I said .
" He's new " I said . CHLOE and Zoey put a sweet smile in they're faces .
" Welcome here in our school " she said . Why did he look so familiar. I have seen him .
Then I saw a bunch of camera man heading towards Mike .
" KYLE , we found U boy " they said clicking picture off him .
" Wait wait wait . How did u come here" a guy beside Mike said , I was so confused . My eyes widened when I came to reality . KYLE THE FAMOUS SINGER . Omg , wait why did he say his name was Mike . That's why he looked so familiar.
" K KYLE " I mumbled . As a whole bunch of crowd came and I went behind . I was was Shocked . I needed a time alone . I went to my locker and here I am talking to u . Diary I literally can't believe this , a singer talking to me ?
I was in my locker and I sighed , this day was terrifying , I felt someone beside me . I looked at him . It was KYLE .
" Hey " he said , luckily there wasn't any crowd .
" Hey Mike " I said as we both chuckled .
" Im sorry I lied to U , I'm KYLE ." He said . I widened my eyes again.
" Wow , I can't believe your talking to me " I said . He just chucked .
" You seem cool , so hey here's my number . Call me . We could talk about life . I think we'd be great friends " he said . I raised one of my eyebrow .
" Oh no no , not in the other way " he said I smiled .
" Sure thanx . Here's my number " I said to him . He smiled . Then I saw BRANDON widened his eyes when he saw KYLE .
" Hey dude KYLE . When did u come here man " BRANDON said .
" Oh BRANDON dude . Missed YA bro . Been OUTTA the country lately " he sAid .
" Dayum man you became a famous singer just like u wanted " BRANDON said .
" Um hello ? " I said and we all chuckled .
" How do u know each other ? " I asked him .
" Classmates " I said . He chucked .
I widened my eyes .
Oo another update this is for the next week . So if I'm in a good mood I'll update but if not sorrrrry . Comment ya folks .
Anyways bye.

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