Chapter 50

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What to do ? What to do ? I got a text I rolled my eyes n ignored it .
Then a call . who the heck is this jobless person ? I switched of my phone.
1 hour later
The doorbell rings I rush down and look out the window . I saw BRANDON smiling politely having flowers and a cup of soup in his hand . GAHHHHH HES ANNOYING MEEEE.
" What do you want ? " I asked BRANDON yelling standing In the door .
" I made you soup , and bought these flowers for U <3 don't worry Nikki no matter what we will always be together . " He said .
" Shut up ! With your cheesy words and those flowers UGH-LY AND THE SOUP EWWWWW BYE " I said and then slammed the door at his face .
Wh what ? WHAT DID I JUST DO ? *_* why was I so harsh to my boy friend ?
Maybe this is one of of of my symptoms ... I took a bathe and came out clean . That's when my BFFs came rushing the room .
" Nikki ? are u alright ? We heard about your cancer !!! Sorry we are late . We were OUTTA country gahhhh . We are just so sorrry .... We are gonna be here literally in your house as for long as your cure ! " they said with tears rushing down they're eyes . I GAVE THEM A BIG HUG .
I told them everything what the doctors said my symptoms about what happened to me and BRANDON and even showed them the scars .
" Nikki , why does your voice sound so weak ? Have u ate something ? " CHLOE asked .
" No , just not for 2 days that's all " I said with a smile . Zoeys eyes widened and she slowly slapped my face lightly .
" Are u crazy Nikki ? Do you reeeeallly wanna die !" Zoey said , my eyes started tearing and I looked away .
" Look nikki I'm sorry but you have to do your part the doctors will do they'res now lemme get some food" she said as she grabbed some fresh soup and some fruits .
" Let us feed U " Chloe and zoey said I hugged them tight nd nodded .
After having food I called BRANDON and asked sorry . I told him everything was a huge mistake .
Then I went for my appointment . The doctor said I was becoming better ! :) and if o get any symptoms,then I shud take pills .
My happiness was back ^_^ I could dance in the rain soon *_* who am I kidding ?_? I'd rather watch laptop and iPad all day long :P bye diary
Sup folks ?
Here's an update sorry I didn't update for a while now . I usually update a lot . But I don't know I've just become so tired :O sorry ...... I'll try updating every day . But if I'm tired every once in 3 days or 2 days . I hope u enjoyed this chapter and hope nikki will be healthy soon . She loves u all a lot . As always I've started getting ALOT OF COMMENTS AND VOTES AND FOLLOWs . Gosh guyz . Thanks ^_^ you guyz literally make my day . Continue this the shout outs will be soon *_* I'll update again today if possible . AS ALWAYS
Keep commenting voting smiling cheering following sharing and rocking
~Lilly23455 signing off

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