Chapter 39 - PARENTS !!!!

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" You graduated honey love u " My mom said . I gave her a hug and kisses her on her cheek .
" Thank you mom , for everything . I will never treat u like crap . I will love u and treasure U ! For you are my world " I said kissing her cheeks and hugging her again . She smiled . And that smile could light up this world <3 OH GOSH I LOVE HER . I went to my dad and wrapped my shoulders on his neck .
" Thanx dad for for your care for your love <3 " I said and kissed him on his checks and hugged him tight .
They're smile . SHOOT ITS SO FREAKING PRETTY . OMG . You know what BRANDON a important part of my life .but he can never defeat my parents . NEVER .. I smiled and went to the washroom of the high school but it was outside . Then I saw this lady and and a man . The man just handed her a note and went . I just ignored it and went to the washroom after that I came back after 3 hours and it was literally late night the girl was still there with a huge smile on her face . I went up to her .
" Hi , mam " I said she looked old . She smiled at me .
" Hi :) " she said .
" What are you doing here ? " I said . She smiled and said .
" Waiting for my son " I smiled at the relation ship .
" Could I help u and call him " I said she smiled and nodded .
" but but can I just have water PLS I haven't drank anything since morning " she said I nodded snd handed her a big bottle of cold water she drunk it satisfied . I smiled .
" Yeah , he told me to give this to a person if he comes late from work , he's a great son you know . :)" she said . I nodded and read it ' Whoever sees this please send this lady to the old peoples hotel ' it said . I felt so sad and immediately my eyes started to water .
" a What ? What happened ? " she said . I told her what happened and tears rolled down her cheek . I gave her w big hug .
" PLS , pls stay at my house " I said with a warming smile . She nodded .
" Thank you so much ! may god bless u " she said and kissed my cheek . I felt so bad for the lady . F*uck her stupid Son . I'm gonna kill him !!!!!' Assh*ole .
I lead her to my house and told my parents about everything That happened my mom and dad cried bitterly . My mom ran up to the lady and hugged her gently as she was very old .
" It's okay , PLS tell us your name . :) you can stay in our house forever ! " my mom said . I nodded .
" We have a lot of extra rooms " my dad said . The old ladies eyes teared up and she cried bitterly .
" Thank you , thank you so much , God bless you . God bless u all . My names fathima " She said . I smiled and nodded .
We went to our house I said bye to my friends and we introduced her to Brianna . Brianna loved her soooo much . She was very welcomed in our family .
" This is your room , and if u need anything PLS ring this bell " My mom said . She smiled and nodded .
" This big room for me " she said .
I smiled and nodded and hugged her again . F*ucking a*sshole Son of that poor lady . Ughhhhhhh what a Ewww disgusting guy
Hi guys
This updated was actually based on a really good short video . Which made me cry . It was based on mother love , I was so touched and sad of a bad ending that I decided . NIKKIS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY . Haha thank for comments . Ily
Thankkkkkk U
Keep voting commenting reading , RESPECTING PARENTS and rocking .
~Lilly23455 signing off

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