Chapter 66

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Dear diary 

I lazily laid in my bed . I was hella bored . I got a text from BRANDON XD yay


Brandon  = Hii babe 

Nikki = heyyyy XD

BRANDON = get dressed and meet me right now !!!!!

Nikki = =O what why

Brandon - surprise xD

Nikki - alright I'll be right there . 

I got dressed as good as possible . Then I looked at myself in the mirror . I have to admit I didn't look that bad it was kinda impressive . I saw Brandon he pulled me to his car . 

" put this on " he said giving me a blind fold I smirked and nodded . I put on the blind fold and justn waited in the car . Brandon opened the blindfold when we reach our destination . I widened my eyes this place was lik a romantic place . The stars were twinkling and there was Sooo much of greenary there was a river flowing down and the place was really pretty I couldn't believe my own eyes . 

" OMG this place is really pretty Brandon " I said smiling . He nodded . 

" it is indeed " he smirked . He kneeled down with one of his knees in the ground . I gasped . He pulled out a ring , it was shiny blue and had a huge diamond in front of it . It was sparkling and it was really pretty . I blushed .

" will you marry me ? " he said . I looked at him and nodded .

" why not " I said and hugged him tight. This was like a dream come true !!! I was really really happy . OMG OMG OMG . Then we looked at the stars and just sat there staring at the stars . 

" it's really pretty right ? " I said blushing . 

" indeed really really pretty !!! " he said gazing at the stars . I blushed . 

" Brandon =D eeee I'm so excited thanks Sooo much for asking me to to MARRY u " I said giggling g he chuckled . And pecked my lips . 

" any day FOR NIKKKKKIII " he smirking . I eeped . OMG he is Sooo HAWT and he's all mine too *_*

Hours later 

I rushed home and jumped up and down Eeee

I texted zoey


Zoey - yoh 


Zoey - you weirdo ! What happened idyat ?! 


Zoey - OMG Squeee I can't believe he asked You out !!! TO MARRRRRY HIM

Nikki - ahhhh I swear dude I gtg tell Chloe now !!!  EEEE Bye muah =**

Zoey - eeee ttyl 


Chloe - what up ?!

Nikki - dude squeeee Brandon asked me to marry ?HIM SAY WHA EEEEE

Chloe - OMG Nikki that's fantastic !!! I'm so excited for you . 

Nikki - EEEE m jumpin up and down eeee

Chloe - hey I gotta go see ya =c ttyl =**

Nikki - mmmm Kay bye 


Marcus - what up sista ? 

Nikki - hey Marcus !!!!!! I'm getting married to Brandon yo 

Marcus - hehe Ik Brandon told me I'm happy for you two . 

Nikki - Hey Why you seem so dull even Chloe was so dull what up between you two ? 

Marcus - oh she didn't tell you , we broke up . 

Nikki -  WHAT !!!! No you guys can't break up not in my marriage no no no. . 

Marcus - sorry Nikki =< things just haven't been working out lately I gtg bye 

Nikki - sigh bye 


Theo - yo 

Nikki - hey theo I'm getting married ,.. With Brandon Afcourse . 

Theo - Ik Brandon told me why u so upset ? 

Nikki - sigh =c Chloe and Marcus broke up and well I guess I have to extend my marriage for a while . 

Theo - awh don't worry everything gonna be alright c= gtg bye 

Nikki - hopefully bye 


Brandon - hey babe ! 

Nikki - Brandon .. Chloe and Marcus broke up .. I think we have to do the wedding a lot later when their together ? 

Brandon  - awh babes no worries sure I get it c= We can extend as long as u like Kay ? Luv ya 

Nikki - seriously Brandon => you the best , I love you .. 

Brandon - haww mee too 

Nikki - =c I'm scared 

Brandon - why babe ? 

Nikki - what if they NEVE get together lik ever . 

Brandon - hehe don't worry they're great together they'll work it out .m

Nikki - hope so .xD

Brandon - your the most prettiest girl in the whole wide world . 

Nikki - c= hahah xP you too XD except u the handsomeT MANLIEST dude Eva 

Brandon - dawwwwh now that cute 

Nikki - =) hehe

Brandon - IDIIOT 

Nikki - Buffalo . 

Brandon - hippo xP 

Nikki - girly girl 

Brandon - heyyy im very manly alright 

Nikki - sure sure your the manliest man ever !! 

Brandon - babe 

Nikki - STAHP with the babe xP 


Nikki -you never change sigh xP 

Brandon - okay babe 

Nikki - sigh gtg byes 

Brandon - Huggies and kisses 

Nikki - very manly 

Brandon - STAHP you 

Nikki - alright girly girl 

Brandon - byeee

Nikki - okay okay I'm just kidding bye love =**


Hey peeps =D

I'm back and I updated . I love This chappie =** *_*m

Anyways that's all now byee

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