Chapter 42

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I took her to my room and gave her clothes to change ... Well I had clothes to give nikki so I just gave those to her and she went to the bathroom to change . She changed her clothes . And she looked REALLLY pretty with one clothes .
" You look awesome ! " I told her she chuckled .
" Thank you , BRANDON " she said . I smiled and looked at her .
" Now can you pls tell me why your not dead I don't mean to be mean but I just I'm glad Your not but I wanna know what happened ? " I asked her she smiled and nodded .
" That night when I texted you I was really bullied and cyber bullied and I thought well enough is enough why don't I just do this world a favor and die ! When I was cutting my self my parents saw me and became furious they told me that I was they're property and they where GONNA sell me they kicked me outta the house for one night but I decided why or go out of here forever ! When I was in the roads it was Reeealy cold BRANDON and I was starving . I was there for months and months . I well I saw food in the streets and that's all I could eat and finally I found a phone that was working I called you because I could never forget your number ..... That's why I'm here I'm sorry if I'm such a burden . " she said crying bitterly . I gave her a hug and she cried .
" Your not a burden .... Besides you mean the world to me " I said to her she smiled .we talked and talked and talked I TOLD HER MY SIDE OF THE STORY and everything that happened . Then she was finaaaaly asleep .... In my room damn so I had to go to the other room because obviously I can't sleep with her .
That's mean !
So I went to that room and took my phone . I was fully thinking of nikki . I mean what should I do to convince her ....
I decided why not I text her. ?
My friends are all asleep rights now . But I can't sleep I keep thinking about BRANDON :(
I was in my phone seeing tumbler and reading fan mails . Then I got a text I sighed and saw it .
BRANDON - Nikki Heyy pleaseeee reply .
Should ? Should I reply ? Hmm then a voice inside my head said yeah give him a chance . I nodded and replied .
Nikki - What's your problem ? :|
BRANDON - look Ill tell u what happened ( Tells the whole story from start to the end )
Nikki - Oh okay ? I'm so sorry for mistaking . I'm looking forward to meeting OLIVIA :)
BRANDON - omg I love you your the best GIRL FRIEND IN THE WORLLLD !!!!!! And when I mean the world I MEAN THE WORLD !!!
Nikki - and your the best guy for me .
I said and we chatted and chatted and chatted and laughed and we said our goodbyes
I updated because I felt bad for u guys and I had rest from my studies so here U go .
Hope YA love this .
Keep voting commenting smiling and rocking
~Lilly23455 signing off

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