Chapter 34

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I opened my eyes and closed it shut because of the light I sighed and opened it again . I was in a hospital . It was large . I saw a sweet face beside me it was the Nurse .
" She's awake you can come in now " the nurse said , KYLE came in and his face was a total mess . It was full of patches and scars , yet he looked so hot . What the , I'm not suppose to tell that .
" Are are u okay Nikki ? " Kyle asked . I nodded . Slowly everything came to my memory About MARCUS the way he pushed me into a kiss . The way it hurts . I closed my eyes .
" Nikki ? Are u are u ? " he said , I smiled at Him , and gave him a big hug .
" Kyle , I don't even know you , I mean I do we just met . Yet you care for me a lot . You love me alot ( as a friend ) I would have never got a better friend as U . Kyle thanks for everything " I said smiling . He smirked .
" From the second I saw you I knew you where something special something unique . " he said . I chuckled .
" cliche " we both said together and laughed . He cracked jokes and everything just to make me smile .
" Kyle , PLS pls take care of yourself now , U need it more than I do " I said smiling . He nodded . After a while BRANDON came to the hospital rushing . Then KYLE saw BRANDON and glared at him .
" What are u doing here ? " Kyle yelled . BRANDON ignored him and came to me . Why ? Why . Why is my life filled with drama . I closed my eyes .
" Nikki are u alright ? Oh my god what happened . Omg who did this TELL ME NIKKI WHO f*ucking DID THIS " he yelled. I looked at him and rolled my eyes .
" a Stop with your drama BRANDON , PLS just go " I yelled . He didn't leave .
" PLS just hear me out " He said .
" No " I yelled .
Listen to him. It will help , be brave and just listen to him .
A voice inside me said . I nodded .
" 4 minutes " I said .
" I wanna talk to u alone " he said , and looked at KYLE . Kyle just nodded and went .
" Look Nikki , I can explain , see I'm sorry , my my father he has abused me every since I was little every time we had a family night he wasn't , there all he did was was be horrid to me , he was cruel . He used drugs alcohol . And cigarettes . I was really worried about him , I obviously loved him unconditionally . But I don't know why he hated me . He glared at me kicked me punched me . It hurts . My mom she's the amazing and strongest woman in this world . She helped go through everything . She made me smile even on those times I couldn't even move . She made my life life a whole lot better . But your my girl friend and you'd obviously find out . And when you do you will probably tell the police and he will go to jail for abusment I love him and I'd rather DIE then see him in jail " He said tears coming down his cheeks .
I looked at him , and felt tears down my cheek .
" I would never do that BRANDON ! I love. You , thanx :) ." I said to him and he looked down .
" I always mess up things between us " he said I chuckled .
" That's true " I said . He playfully punched my in my arm and we started laughing , KYLE came in .
" Hey , BRANDON can u go . " Kyle said . BRANDON looked at KYLE and glared .
" She's my girl friend . I'll be with her if I want I will " He said kissing me in the lips .
" Kiss her If I want and U can't do anything about it " he yelled . I looked down .
" U U DONT TOUCH HER . U GUYS BROKE UP U GUYS NO " he yelled KYLE :( this is going off to a very bad start .
" We are back together KYLE :) can you believe it " I said I saw his face turn into a sad face he closed his eyes and felled down .
Updated ! As you all wanted , want another update comment down below .
Keep commenting commenting commenting lol I am aware I said it 3 time . Voting reading sharing and rocking .
~ Lilly23455 signing off

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