Chapter 23

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" I like u MACKENZIE but not in that way . I like u as a friend . " I explained MACKENZIE .
" But why be friends when we can be more ? " MACKENZIE said smashing a kiss In my lips .i pulled away .
" Mackenzie I will give u a 2 day chance ok u get to be my girl friend for 2 days and I will see how u are then and only then u can be my girlfriend forever " I said to her . Mackenzie hugged me tight .
" I swear I will be the best girl friend ever !!! " she said eeping .
I closed my eyes as I saw MACKENZIE kiss BRANDON . It was like everything came in a flashback . Everything mostly the good times . Mackenzie hugged BRANDON and eeeeeped ad brandon hugged her back . I sighed .
I turned behind and ran away , I could feel water running down my eyes . Why am I so hurt when I'm over HIM IM OVER HIM !!!!! I hate Him !!!!!!
I closed my eyes and imagined nikki was standing beside me and chuckling , I smiled at the thought of her .
" Why are u smiling " Mackenzie said rapping my arms around her .
" Nothing ." I said as she just smiled . She gave me a peck on my lips .
" Brandon ! What's your fav movie ? " Mackenzie asked .
" Well ...... . " I shrugged .
" Romeo Juliet ? " Mackenzie said . My eyes were literally gonna pop out by what she said .
" How did u know ? " I asked .
" Cause that's my favorite movie " she said . I was so surprised by this act of hers .
" But it was such a tragic story " Me and MACKENZIE said together we looked at each other for a second and turned away .
" Brandon , it's great being around U " she said . I had to agree myself MACKENZIE was amazing and a fun person to hang out with .
" Yeah . I has a awes- " I said as I was interrupted by MACKENZIE she pulled me into a kiss . I smiled and kissed her back . :) who knows that MACKENZIE can be an a Awesome chick ?
" I love u " she said .
" I love u Too,:) " I said and pulled her into a hug.
Why why why do I miss nikki so much . I hate her . She's rude to me and besides she's the new MACKENZIE now . But why do I miss her a lot ? What happened to the dork I was so in love with ? .
I got a text .
Mackenzie - hey :)
Mackenzie - reading :D obsessed with books
BRANDON - mee too I don't know how much times I get lost in a book . It's amazing .
Mackenzie - Yah .
Brandon - hey wanna hang out today ? I know a perfect place .
Mackenzie - Oh hon . That's just perf
Brandon - :) hon !! Lol
Mackenzie - bye I gotta go sleep . Miss YA already :(
Brandon - oh Aww . Bye
I smile . I remember how me and nikki used to chat all day long she used to tell me about her life .
:) and books . And everything !!!!
Why can't I forgot nikki ? .
" Hey BRANDON " she said giving me a warming smile . I gave her a peck on the lips .
" Hey sunshine :) " I said with a huge smile on my face . Mackenzie seemed surprised than ever as she kissed me continusely . I chuckled . And pulled away .
I saw nikki stare at us and rolled her eyes and just ran away . My eyes where filled with Tears .
" What happened babe ? " Mackenzie said giving me a smile .
Nothing I said and just drifted away . Mackezie stopped me and pulled me into a kiss a long and passionetly . I kissed her back very fast .
Hi guys
Yeh Nikki and Brandon are no more :( but MACKENZIE has changed ? Did she ?
Find outs . Nooooooo ! I also don't want MACKENZIE and BRANDON to be together . Always nikki and Brandon <3
Thanks for your votes and comments . This is a pretty big chapter . :P I always write small so. I will see ya guys . And PLS keep writing those amazing comments :P I love huge comments .
Anyways keep voting commenting sharing And and and Reading 👀👊✋( a big high five from me to my reader HIGH FIVE !!!!! )

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