Chapter 68

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Maddi POV 

I got a text from my friends . IN MY BRAND NEW PHONe . I opened it and read . 

Jasmine - hey Dork ! Me and all the other cool kids are going to sleepover . And if U wanna come , come . I feel pity for U . 

Maddi - oh my gosh , thank you so much . I'll be there 

Ee I can't believe i am going to the cool kids party . I am so excited . I ran to mommy and put on my puppy dog face .

" Mommy , mommy ! Can I please go to this sleepover . ALL THE COOL kids are going and they invited Me " I said , mommy chuckled . 

" Sure,, now I'll let you go to the sleep over if U be a good girl okay ? " mommy said . I was so happy . My mommy is the best . She always does everything for me and she also has a pretty name her name is 'Nikki' I love her so so so much .

" Thank you , mommy . I love U " I said . She nodded and kissed my cheek  . I smiled . Isnt my mom the best . I got all ready for the sleep over . I'm so happyy. 


I knocked on they're door and jasmine opened it . She let me come inside . 

" woah this place is sooo cool and big " I said . Jasmine flips her hair . And puts on lipstick . I don't know why but she always puts a lot of lipstick and that kinda makes me angry . But I'm sooo happyy im in a cool kids party . 

" come inside dork " she said I nodded . Soooo many people where there i was oh SOO happy o jumped up and down    . Jasmine came towards me and told it was time to play truth or dare . 

Jasmine - Truth or dare maddi 

Me - DARE !!!!

Jasmine - I dare you to remove your clothes .

Me - No way that's a disgusting dare . I'm not doing it . 

Jasmine - You have to U chicken . 

Everyone laughed at me I felt like crying .jasmine pulled out my clothes and I cried EVRYONE saw my shame shame . some people even took videos . I ran into a room and started crying  . Crying and crying . What was I thinking I should have never came here . 

Jasmine came with a bunch of her friends . They beat me up in my nose . she punched my nose and it was bleeding . 

Me - please stop . It hurts please * cries * 

Jasmine and friends - * punches leg and throws out of the window * 

I cried and cried and cried . My everything HURTED soooo much . And there are worms around here Ewww rheyre sucking my blood . Mommy mommy help , I couldn't move because of my leg , DADDY  I tried yelling and eventually I started closing my eyes . 


I came to my house after work . I was exhausted . 

" hey babe " I said kissing nikki on her cheeks . 

" BRANDON . OMG BRANDON . I don't know where maddi is im scared BRANDON she didn't come yet . Omg BRANDON . She went to a sleep over and she isn't back yet . I called her friends mom and they said she never came. I'm scared . " she said. I became furious .

" nikki , why did U let her go ? Are u crazy she is just 10 years old !!" I yelled nikki cried . I hugged her . 

" I'm sorry sweetie I just got angry . Let's call the police ." We called the police and they said that they were going to find her . 

Nikki cried and cried and cried . I spotted  few tears from my cheeks   .

I hugged nikki and kissed her in her cheeks . 

" everything is going to be alright okay ? They'll find her " I said I was sooo scared inside . Oh god I just hope my little Maddi is okay . 

" I'm sorry BRANDON this is all because of me I shouldnt have allowed her to sleepovers im soo soo sorry it's all my fault " she said crying bitterly . I hugged her and kissed her cheeks . 

" No babe , listen chill okay , nothing's gonna happen . Everything's gonna be alright okay " I said hugging her . She wrapped her hands around my neck and hugged me so tight it almost HURTED . The police called us . I was sooo happy I wish they found her I was scared at the same time . 

I took the phone . 

" Sir ? " I said . 

" we found your daughter she was bleeding ALOOT and shes been admitted to a hospital and trust me her legs were half way cut . Come fast " they said . I couldn't feel my own body . My mouth was dry and there was a huge lump . Tears scrolled down my cheeks . And the phone dropped . 

Nikki was crying and telling me something but I couldn't hear a thing . She picked up the phone and talked 


Hey guys , 

You surprised I upadted ? Hehe . I realized im not ending the book soon im only ending it when the chapter comes to 109 and that's a lot more . Anyways I think I replied to almost all of U guys and U people commented the sweetest things . Trust me I was jumping and flying in the air it made me soooo happy . You people are soooo  sŵeeet to me and it makes me feel like the AWESOMEST person ever xP but in reality I'm dumb . 

Anyways thanks u guys soooooooooooo much for everything for UR comments . And again I'm sorry for the harsh words . Someone commented that the words are offensive . Not mentioning the names . But this is my book and this is how I choose to write it . I'm sorry if it's too much for u but u should stop reading it if it's a lot again I told it one author note that it's 12+ and if U still find it offensive I can try to stop the harsh words but only little and if u still offensive then im sorry there's no need to read this book . BECAUSE this is dork diaries I know and nikki and BRANDON totally different from this book and the real book . We have written wattpad books of dork diaries because we Wanna write it are way and the way we want it to be . I'm pretty sure none just copies the actual dork diaries book and puts it in here . 

Anyways chuck that . Another news . I won't be updating a lot thats why I put this looong CHAPPIE .because exams are coming again D= im nervous and scared and I need UR wishes alooooot . Anyways thank U soooooooo much again 

~keep commenting voting sharing and rocking 

Lilly23455 signing off 

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