Authors note

402 15 6

Hey guys
First I'd like to tell you I have a lot of things to tell you today ok ?
First off I'd like to tell you all thank you ! I get a lot of comments and votes it's amazing and I've seen the reads increasing , thank you guys i Really don't deserve this . This book was just a joke in the start I was never gonna publish but until I did .... I've never got that much reads like 19 reads where big for me and when u get 1oo reads I FREAKED . then 1K U should see my face I was like seriously ? Awesome ! Then now to 26K this is an awesome journey for all of us I enjoyed writing this book a lot . And it's been awesome .
Thank you for cooperating with me . For wishing me on my birthday . ^_^ wishing me all the best in the worst times that's exams . Thank you guys so much . Yeah it's a fresh start now . Our journey has not yet end so PLS still keep that smile on your face :)
And then there's another thing to tell a few people have been asking me to make them as a character . I'm Reeealy sorry but if i get more viewers in the future , more people will ask me for characters . I'm sorry guys but no . I really wish I can 😰 but don't worry smile KAY ?
And then another thing I'm so happy with you people so I'll give you a shout out yes but not allll people will the people who wants a shout out . And a letter to THEYRE readers should do this .
Here's the steps .
1) Comment below what you think about this book .
2) Comment down your favorite part in this book .
3) vote .
4) follow if you aren't .
5) ( easiest step ) smile :)
If you want a shout out you've got to do this KAY ?
If you want a letter to someone in the book do the follow
1) comment down below the person you like the most and hate the most .
2) vote this book .
3) comment a letter to whom you hate and like .
4) smile :)
5) follow me if you aren't followed .
If you want both then you have to do the both steps . ^_^ mainly smile . Cause smiling is the beautifulest thing and I'm sure you guys all look pretty when you do that and if guys are reading this which I don't think so you are handsome !!!!! So smile . Ok ?
Now I won't be updating for a whole week or maybe like 3 days . But within these days you must comment and all ok ? Or else you won't get your letter and all here ?
So anyways that's all . Wish me the best for my upcoming grade .
Thank you all so much also .
We be such a awesome family . We are lilies . 😀
,keep commenting voting Sharing following smiling and rocking .
~ Lilly23455 signing off

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