Chapter 52

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I've had my check up . The doctors told everything was fine but it didn't seem that way . I mean the look at his face could say a million words . I just ignored it and went to bed since it was 10:00 pm in the night . Oh and I didn't forget my pills . I'm a good girl :P . I'm so weird .
I was asleep .
- next morning
" Wake up wake up " zoey said . I glared at her .
" NOT NOW " I said and put my pillow in my head .
" Nikki , I know your not a morning person BUT GET UP " zoey said chuckling .
" finnnne " I said and laughed . Brushed my teeth and did my typical morning routine . Then a person name doctor texted me weird
Doctor - Hey , this is Nikki right ?
Nikki - Yep me . Is this my doctor ?
Doctor - Yeah this is your doctor and I'm afraid I have some bad news .
Nikki - Yes ..... I'm listening .
Doctor - Well see the disease has another thing like do you have a boy friend ?
Nikki - Excuse me ? Why ?
Doctor - if you do then you'll hVe to ignore him and not talk to him cause love makes CANCER closer just for 2 months .
Nikki - Umm what ? Love makes CANCER worse . But but
Doctor - after two months you'll be all cured and can go back to your loved one .
Nikki - Hmm ok doctor I'll do as you say Goodbye .
Doctor - Goodbye Nikki .
What ? How am I suppose to ignore BRANDON ? He's my life !!!!! What do u mean love makes cancer worse . THIS IS THE STOOPIDESS THING EVER . But I'll have to do it :(
Hahahahaha nikki fell for my tricks again . So what I did was just create an account named doctor and told her about this . And she'll just have 2 months to live muahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha and in that 2 months she won't be able to talk to BRANDON MUHAHAHAHAHAA BRANDONS mine you bratty nikki . And your right behind this screen and anyone cannot stop me . I'm unstopable . And besides I'm not doing anything bad BRANDON deserves me.
Then I got a text from BRANDON noooooo . OH GOSH
BRANDON - Hey Nikki ! Are yo ok ? Did you take your medicines .
Nikki - Wh why'd you care !
BRANDON - What nikki ?
Nikki - BRANDON I don't care about you and I don't like you caring abut me ok ? I can handle everything myself and I don't need you .
BRANDON - Nikki WHATD I do ?
Nikki - just being your stoopid self ....PLS don't talk to me bye .
I said and went off I felt horrible and cried and cried . Stoopid cancer ruins my life !!!!!!
Then after. While the bell rings . I run and open it .
" H hey Nikki I bought you roses ! " BRANDON said with a huge pile of beautiful flowers in his hand . Gawddddd he's so sweeeet , I can't do this . But I have to .
" I don't need this " I said and threw the flower in the ground .
" I told u GET AWAY FROM ME DONT TALK TO ME I HATE U ! AND YA KNOW WHAT IM BREAKING UP WITH U " I yelled I felt sooooo bad I tried not to burst into tears Nd you should see his face he went back .
" Fine Nikki , if that's what you want then goodbye " he said whispering the lAst part . I slammed the door and cried TIL I could , I was Hurt and I couldn't just couldn't tell this to CHLOE or zoey :( .
I feel so horrible .
BRANDON I just want. You to know I love your nd this is all because of this stoopid cancer . But just 2 months baby . Just wait , and I swear I'll be back in your arms again . I'll definitely be back . But I can say this to you only in my dreams .
Hey ,
What are you guys doing ? Are you dancing on the dance room ? I'm weird :p
But still this update was very sad for me to write but don't worry be happy ... Drink Pepsi . ^_^ smile happily . So Anyways my schools re-opening soon and I won't be updating for a while ok ?
I'm sorry but I'll try maybe once or twice a week . Mostly once ^_^ but don't be sad those chapters will be long ok ? I'll work on it and edit it and make sure my grammar is perfect for you all .
Oh And lately I've been receive ing some hate comments . Like seriously back off people like I don't care What you think about this book ! Just shut it and get off my book and QUIT WATT PAD IF YIUR GONNA BE MEAN TI EVERY AINGLE AUTHOR WHO WORKS SO HARD OK ?!!
And you clearly know who you are anyways my aim for this week is 8 comments and 10 votes I know it's too much but I'm expecting a lot from my lilies now because i just wanna make this book popular and you guys should help me with that ..... Comment vote share these are very simple things that can make me smile . And also follow . I love the followers who follow me . They're just amazing and my PEOPLE .LIKE SERIOUSLY THS BEST . Our book has 25K reads I still remember me jumping up and down for 1 K but now I got 24 mor like wowwwww my fans and readers GOSH YOU YES YOU BEHIND THIS SCREN GAWDDDDD YOUR AAAAAAMMMAZING !!!!!!' Now my aim is for 30 K reads and if I get so I'll do a special thing for y'all ok ? Snd also my other aim is 100 followers . I'll do Zjother thing for you all too .
So your job today is
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And you.l get a special thing you have to comment for that I hVe done the job . To get a special thing .
And thank you soooooo much for people who comment and bite and share alwaysssss and for thoseo who f U who just read my book thanks . Soooooooo much .
Anyways * yawns * we came to the end the Borrrrring part and you know what's next .
Keep commenting voting following sharing adding to booklist smiling relaxing and ROCKIN 😎 ( we be cool like that )
~Lilly23455 signing off

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