Chapter 54

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I woke up in the sound of my phone ringing . When I opened my eyes and took the call . It was the doctor . I got Really scared cause why is he calling me in the middle of the nigh ? Is it something bad ? Gahh too much questions .
" Hello doctor ? " I said yawning .
" Hey BRANDON , I'm sorry for waking you up " he said a bit disappointed and sad .
" What is up sir ? " I said . He sighed .
" Well , about NIKKIS CANCER . It's going terrible ! She has a lot of issues and problems that must be solved . And further more we don't think we can save her unless we've got another living heart . " Doctor said .
My eyes widened and tears immediately streamed down my eyes .
" What do you mean you can't save her doctor ! " I yelled . Crying .
" I am so extremely sorry but she desperately need another living heart to live " he said . My heart was broken into million pieces .
" Fine . Take my heart . But doctor just please please save her . I don't even want a ant bite on her . " I said my voice shaking .
" You are absolutely one of the best boyfriend . Nikki is so lucky to have you " he whispered .
" No I am to lucky to have nikki " I said and cut the phone .
I felt destroyed I didn't sleep all night I took out my laptop and searched and searched for the cure .
But there was nothing ... I couldn't find her type of disease .
all I needed right now as my nikki .

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