Chapter 67

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Dear diary , 

Today is my wedding day . FINAAALLLy . I'm so happy yet sad ... My parents are there and BRIANNA sure can't come any day . Well I had to see her before my wedding tho . I went alone this time !!! I was really excited to see her   

- assylum 

" hey ? Is BRIANNA doing okay ? " I asked , the doctor nodded . 

" she is doing so much better " she said . I was so so so happppppy .i rushed to her room . I saw BRIANNA she was playing with her little doll . She looked sooooo cute .

" hey Brianna " I said giving her a hugg . She smiled  .

" Hey nikki , can I ask you something ? " she Said I nodded . 

" why am I like this sister ? I feel so unusual .i feel like  a ghost . I feel lik im a thing " she said with a little tear in her eyes . I kneeled down .

" Brianna , you may be a beast you may be a monster or any creature , but your my sister and I loveee you to the moon OKay ? We are just going through  a rough stage right now , you can't have a rainbow without a little rain right ? " I said she nodded and hugged me .  I smiled . 

My vision was blur due to my tears. 

" today is my wedding and I just came to tell U dat . " I said . She frowned  .

" why ? Why am I not suppose to come am I a monster ? " she said . 

" no Brianna . You aren't hon , come on your sick not a monster , and in order for you to Be fine again U have to take some rest okay ? " I said she nodded and hugged me I smiled . 

I rushed back and went to the wedding area where my weddings to be done it was huge and beautiful I loved it . It was everything I wanted . 

I went to a room and  a make up dresser put on all the fancy ًy make up . I looked well beautiful and put on my gorgeous wedding dress , I FELT LIK A WOMEN .

And then it was finally time ... There weren't really a huge crowed but it's alright . I felt tears run down my cheek , because well I wanted my parents to be here in this moment but I felt awesome anyways . 

I walked to BRANDON in the weddding place and BRANDON was standing there looking at mem IGH such love . I walked with my uncle  .i hugged him and smiled .  The priest said some words 

Now it was time for vows . 

" I vow to love you today and tomorrow and always , I vow to respect you and treat you with all the passion and love you need I vow that whatever happens I will always stay here with U . I vow to choose you in the best and worst times I vow to always and always be yours " he says . I felt tears scroll down my cheeks . 

" I vow to love U in the time U feel like none does . I vow to care for U be there for U and always love U . I vow that no matter what happens I'll always be yours . " I said . His eyes were filled with tears . I felt lik this was the moment , I found the guy that'd love me for me . And when I look at his eyes and his eyes are looking at me I feel a need to leave I feel a need to smile . This guy right here is my everything! The one that makes me smile in my rough times the one that makes me laugh in the times I could never smile the one that'd always be there for me even if I'd BEGG him to go . 

" will you take nikki to be your wife ? " 

" yes " he said strongly and confidently his eyes filled with love , protectition , excitement and warmth all at then same time . 

" and will  u nikki take BRANDON to be your husband ? "

" yes " 

" I now declare you husband and wife . You may kiss UR bride " he said . Then we kissed . Now we know that our love took a whole new path it isn't the ending its just the beginning. 

4 years later .

" Mommy ! mommy ! CAN I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get that dolly ? " Maddi asked with her puppy dog face AGAIN . I sighed .

" OKAY maddi but this is your last toy KAY ? " I said . That puppy dog face is just so cute . Me and maddi went to the counter where we saw BRANDON and Luke . BRANDON kneeled down facing Luke . 

" You want this bro ? " he asks Luke . Luke nods . 

" yes daddy I swear I'll play real good . ILL BE AWESOME AT FOOTBALL ILL BE A CHAMPION " he said . BRANDON chuckled . 

" yes yes . You should be a champion okay ? " he says . Luke nodded .they both high five . I smiled it was sooo cute . Maddi ran to BRANDON . 

" DADDY DADDY LOOK WHAT I GOT " she said . As Luke ran to me . 


" is that so ? " I said . 

Then I went to BRANDON and chuckled .

" hey =D " I say . He chuckles . 

" hey the most beautiful girl in my world " he says . I giggle .

" and don't you forget that" 


With this the book ends ! It's been an amazing writing this book thank you guys sooo much for the voters and comments and shares . Please still share this book .

I would like to thank each one of you. Alooooot for the reads this means a lot. 

As I alwaaaays say 

- keep commenting voting sharing rocking and always smiling =D 

Lilly123455 signing off 

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