Chapter 58

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Me and Brandon were lik whaaaa ? What's going on here ?
" wait what do u mean Chloe ???'" I asked .
" it means we pranked u and got u soooooooo good well we actually got all the Olivia thingy but Olivia is actually dead the cancer thingy was her but she gone now , and Marcus he's still rat " she said .
" so How'd u guys find about Olivia ? "
Brandon asked furious .
" bro ur Diary " Marcus said. Dayum we were scared .
" Marcus u sure did a good job at freaking me out " I said me and Brandon and me looked at each other and gave each other a big hug ,
Yes xD .
" Bradon u came here for me when I needed it thanx soooooooo much " I said giving him a smile . He chuckled .
" babes I told u I would always be there for u"
" Brandon your my everything Dude " I told him . He laughed .
" your my everything GURL" he said and we both just laughed .
At the moment I thought my life will be gone just after my cancer has .
Now that everything's fine I'm wid my best friends and a great boyfriend it's gonna be a perfect day .
Hey waddup .
It's Lilly ^_^ haven't updated for a whileeee sorry :,( . But I'm gonna end this book in a few chapters ..... It's been a great journey thank you guys for all your support . I guess there wil be lik five more long chapters until the book is over . Or I'd probably delete it pls don't get sad . In this chapter I want the maximum comments from my readers
Bye guys

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