Chapter 19

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" This food is really amazing " CHLOE lied .
" Tots it's the best food we have ever eaten " I lied .
" We knew we can do it ! " Theo said .
" Hey let's taste it what u think ? " Brandon said . " Nooooo " I said . He looked at me weirdly and ignored me and just tok a big chunk of the meat , you should see BRANDONS face " THIS FOOD IS ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE " he yelled
Theo and Marcus looked at Brandon confused they took a nible of the meat and I swear they where going to cry . " This is the perfect time for us to apologies . Take this gift as an apology " BRANDON said handing me a gift , MARCUS gave CHLOE and theo gave zoey . " U didn't have to " we girl said in Union . The guys just gave a wink all in the same time . I opened the box and I saw another small box I opened the small box then I saw another smaller box I opened the smaller box and there WAS ANOTHER SMALLER BOX . I looked at Brandon for a minute spas he just chuckled . I hope this is the last one. I opened it AND WE GIRLS SCREAMED AT THE SAME TIME " OMGGGGGG " I said hugging BRANDON tight " Thank u thank u thank u " I yelled screaming loudly . WANNA KNOW WHAT WAS INSIDE . A TICKET TO BEYONCÉS CONCERT !!!!!!!!!! BEYONCÉS amazing . I'm a true fan of her she is justtttt eeee . I saw CHLOE jumping up and down . And Zoey crying bitterly .
" U guys don't have a ticket ? " I said . And the guys said no " This is a girls night out . Besides we have to attend a football match " the guys said . We allllll were really shocked . We are literally gonna see Beyoncé perform on stage that made me scream . Brandon is the best boyfriend ever .
We girls had a girl hugg and just sqqqqqueeed . The show was the day after tomorrow .
Sorry for the short chapter guys . It's literally just one page . I was gonna me ha an author note . And I know u guys hate those soooo yeah they meet Beyoncé amazing right ? What would u guys do if u jet Beyoncé . Anyways the main thing I wanted to tell u guys is for reading my other amazing and creepy book called the haunting l U GIYS HAVE TO READ IT , ITS CREEEEEEPYY . I'm really proud of myself for the book . If u don't get the book just type my name or go to my account check ma works And walla U SEEEEEEE U WILL SQUEEE . ok that was lame hehe ,
Hope u enjoyed thanks for all your comments and votes . Keep voting . I haven't dedicated chapter for a while now . So today I'm not going to 😰 sorry I will once I get 3K views I swear I'll do a shout outs same like I got for 1k now I have 2K+ now I bet u guys want a shout out . If u do PLS keep reading share it to ur friends if u do it will mean a lot to me . Oh and also keep voting never ever stop voting . And also commenting keeeeppp that up ? K ? k ? 😜
Anyways another thing is I have another competition coming up none eeee caresss I know . But this one is the most important one so I want u guys to pray for me that I could win ok . ? Wish me good luck cuz I'll sure need it .
Anyways I don't wanna keep the authors note this long so ba byeee peeps 😮

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