Authors note

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Just a random author note to those who feel bad about yourself . Ik this is reeeealy random but I just feel like doin so . I know that it hurts when u feel like none like U . Or your useless :3
But dude your awesome .... Don't let anything push you down . You know God created you ? So respect yourself . And if your aiming for anything don't go to low or medium . Go to high cause U can do it :)
Lemme tell you a story of mine . So once when I was playing volly ball I couldn't make the ball hit the net. I was nervous already plus everyone was laughing and giggling and none wanted me in they're team ! But then one time I THIUGHT yi can do it . I will prove them wrong , I will do it ! Then my ball hit to the end . <3 I was proud of me .
This small experience thought me a huge thing ,
Never hurt yourself . Just know your beautiful :) whoever U are ......
And now ABIUT nikki and the story do u want me to end the book soon ?
Anyways comment if u wish so ;)
Talk to you guys later and U know What comes next Welll duhhh
Vote comment share smile and keep rocking
~Lilly23455 signing off <3

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