Chapter 65

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they locked me in the back seat of the car . i was scared but I knew what to do . I quickly texted BRANDON . They didnt know I have my my phone .


Nikki - BRANDON . These random people kidnapped me and im in the back seat im texting U now cause they can't see me . BRANDON help man these people look dirty im scared . I have a weapon in my bag .

Brandon - OMG OMG I will call the police ASAP right now .

nikki - yes yes do that .

Brandon - okay keep texting me the police are tracking U guys okay keep texting .

nikki - sigh BRANDON everything's GONNA be alright right ?

Brandon - babe , don't worry okay between which weapon do U have .

Nikki - a cooking pan =P

brandon - Great that's all U need then =) remember hit they're head HARDDDD .

Nikki - im good at that xP

brandon - duh you will be whose girl friend are u?

Nikki - haha Romeos .

BRandon - okay okay the police are right back . They're following u can U see through the window ?

Nikki - yes .

brsndon - okay now I need U to make a excuse lik u need to go to the washroom or something and get out of there? U can handle that. If they threaten U , use your weapon .

Nikki - okay I'm ready .

" Umm excuse me man ? Can I go the washroom or outside I realllly need to go " I said and the man face Palmed . He looked at the back and saw the police . SHIT my life is over , OKAY chill NIKKI chill U have UR weapon .

" U planed this didn't u? " the women said .

' oh yes i did " I said I took the pan and bagged it in theyRe head .

" UR MESSSING WITH THE WRONG GIRL " I said I ran away and went to the police car .

" BRANDON " i yelled and hugged himm

" NIKKI you were being reaaaaly brave ha ? Im proud Of U " brsndon said .

" whose girl friend am i ? " I said and we both giggled .


happy happy chappppieeeee . AH AH awesome right ? Things that happen was epic .

Anyways hope U liked bye

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