Chapter 55

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Brandon's pov

Diary hey ,
So now I'm going to sacrifice my life for the one I love Nikki ,
Then I got a call I answered it gladly .
" Hey , this is me , I'm the doctor of Nikki's " he said
" yeah ? " I said .
" Nikki's fine now we cured her cancer she's all healthy and now very good you don't need to give ur life for her by that's amazing that you would " he said when he said that I jumped up and down and you don't understand how happy I was I could cry literally I was SOOO happy. *_*
I called Nikki
" NIKKI UR FINE NOW WOHH " I yelled happily
'" What ? " she said in a surprised tone ...
" Didn't the doctor tell u ?"
"no " she said
Sorry I didn't update for a while ad this chapter is really short because I'm writing this on my very very small phone it's hard for me to write and pls don't mind the auto corrects they're idiots
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~lilly23455 signing of

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