Chapter 17

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" Yayay . I love dares and challenge ! " I said winking so happily . Nikki nodded .
" This time in our dares and challenge we will be using a device to find our dare sand challenges and for our device we decided ipad . " Chloe said , as zoey nodded . " The participants are CHLOE , Zoey , MARCUS . Theo , Brandon and Nikki " Zoey said . I smiled " So can we get going ? " I said as everyone nodded .
We used our device and the device pointed at me it asked truth or dare . " Truth " I said , and everyone chuckled " Coward " Chloe said ." who's your crush , tell his name " was the dare . I blushed . " Umm .... This ones hard " I said . " Jeesh nikki just tell " Marcus said as I laughed , " It's BRANDON " I said blushing so hard maybe even more than a tomato . I looked at Brandon as he blushed as well . " Aren't we already going out ? " he said winking . " But still.. Your still my crush " I said as Brandon smiled . And pecked on my lips " Thanx babe " he said as I blushed . Now the device pointed at Brandon . He had to pick obviously " Dare cause I'm Manly like that " he said .
" Ok .... Fine kiss your crushes / gurl friends bffs without the girlfriend and friends AND LITERALLY NONE KNOWING and kiss them passionetly " he whispered . " We didn't hear anything "Everyone except BRANDON said .
Brandon sighed " I hate this ipad . " he said and went close to CHLOE . My heart was broken . He went so close to CHLOE . And kissed her in the lips passionetly . Chloe looked so confused and pushed BRANDON away . My eyes where filled with tears . Marcus came then " What u doing with ma girl man !!! " he yelled . He didn't tell anything and went up to zoey . Zoey looked confused then ever . Brandon kissed zoey possionetly , zoey PULLED AWAY . " The fuck u doing man ? " Theo yelled . " Nikki ! " Brandon said ignoring theos question " Don't talk to me U did enough " I yelled .
" It was a dare !" He yelled I ignored him and sat with my friends as Brandon just QUITED . I gasped in disbelief the iPad pointed at CHLOE

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