Chapter 47

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Me being my random self jumping around the school and glaring at my enemies :P then I see Patrick coming closer to me .
" Heyyy gurl check out that body " he said looking at me up and down that's when I gave him a big slap .
" Look her PATRICK ! Imma girl so ? Don't need to check me out KAY ? YOU THINK GIRLS ARE NOTHING U THINK WE CANT SLAP U IN THE FACE QUIT IT .... AND DONT BE RACIST " I yelled in the top of my lungs .
I saw all eyes around the hall at me . MACKENZIE came closer to me .
" gurl why u do that ? you could have been a playa and dated BRANDON and him " That's when I pressed my hand hardly towards her cheek .
" You .... No way ! Your not my friend U were kidding about the whole thing . If u were my friend U would only want good for me " I said and went away flipping my hair ..... She glared at me . But I don't know why I had a lot of courage and bravery now I could do anything . And I randomly went to my locker and saw from far away my bestie CHLOE she was with someone OMG ITS PATRICK THEY WHERE KISSINF PASSIONETLY AND MAKING OUT BAD ! Patrick touched CHLOES butt . And I can't believe she didn't get angry ! I went to him and slapped him over his face . THE HECK IS WORNG WITH HER .
" U FREAK ! No INFACT U FREAKS GAHHHH WHY AM I SURROUNDED WITH PLAYErs " I yelled and went off Dayum I was angry but I didn't know why ? What was wrong with me ?
Sorry didn't update for a while was verrry busy this chapter is dedicated to zuzu123 because we got into a big misunderstanding I hope u keep reading my books .
oh and keep commenting voting smiling sharing and rocking
~Lilly23455 signing off

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