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( Nikki's POV )
It's literally 1:30 right now , I'm still not asleep because of what happened before with me and b BRANDON . My dreams my hopes OMG everything I dreamed of is true . Now I'm in the bed obviously , my mom yelling at me downstairs FOR COMING VERY LATE lol 😆 I ain't listening to anything she is saying . I know it holidays but then there prom coming between the holiday ... My schools weird like that .Then I got a text from BRANDON IN 1:34
Hi Nikki's
Still awake ..... I assume your asleep . Sup there ? How your parents ?
Anyways get dressed for tomorrow since it's homecoming . I hope you didn't forget 😉
- Brandon
Thanks for the reminder I TOTS FORGOT . OMGGG WHAT DO I DO !?!
- nikki
Dear nikki
I realized your reaction will be like that so 😝 I ain't surprised ... Now go to sleep I don't want you to be lazy tomorrow beautiful 😜
- Brandon
OMG HE CALLED ME BEAUTIFUL EEEEH ... Afcourse I didn't listen to what Brandon said I was searching literally LL OF MY DRESSES ! YASS THIS IS PERFECT . It was basically a long dress that was light pink fits me perfect .
EEEEEEE ..... I HAVE TO GET Dressed .. I wore that dress and left my hair open combed it well and neat . I put on a little mascara and lipstick BELIEVE I DONT DO THIS ALL THE TIME I AINT MACKENZIE....
I went to school ... I WALKED THERE and saw my two BFFS CHLOE and Zoey Looked totally hot !
" OMG ... Nikki is that u ??? " Chloe asked surprised.
" U LOOK SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL , I'm so jealous of u " Zoey said .
" Really ... Guys I'm jealous of u , you two look absolutely stunning ... Or should I say purr fect ...." I said .
Then These two men came and offered CHLOE and Zoey to dance " No , sorry we're with nikki " Both of em said .
" No it's ok guys go " I said . They gave me are u sure,look . I nodded . And they both went , I smiled . My eyes roamed around for the search of BRANDON . There he came .
" BRANDON !!! " I yelled .
" Hush ..... Lol I'm right here " Brandon said .
" I'm so glad I almost thought you'd ditch me here "
He gasped " Would I ever do that to my princess lol ? "
" May I have this dance with u ? " Brandon asked .....
" you may , gentle men " I said blushing . We started to dance to this slow song .
" So ... How's Brianna ? " Brandon asked while dancing .
" well , she's still a phyco " I laughed .
" I find Brianna totally adorable " Brandon said ..
" Well .. You'll understand if u live with her . " I said , and we both laughed .
" ATTENTION ATTENTION " Principle said .
" Now to announce the prom KING " I looked at BRANDON and pointed at him . Brandon laughed .
" It's Brandon " Principle said . Everyone where cheering wooo - wing .... Wow BRANDONS really famous ....
I know who's the queen MACKENZIE I sighed .
" THE PROM QUEEN IS .... " Principle said .
I wasn't surprised one bit ... But BRANDONS face was shocked and was full of fear ...
I was stunned excited and so happy I rushed up and hugged BRANDON ..l the crowd said awwwwwww ...Yay I dang believe I'm queen we both had our crowns and started dancing ..... I wassssss soooSTUNNED EXCITED HAPPY .
We both blushed ....
This day is tots the best .
Hi guys
Yay finally a update .. I promised U guys that I will dedicate this chapter to someone .
So I'm gonna dedicate it TOOO ........
I can hear u guys saying SHUT UP AND TELL US ALREADY .
The winer is ........Becksgirlygirl .
Now don't feel sad that I didn't write ur names . But all of your names will be in my next chappie. So smile . 😝
And congratulation Becksgirlygirl .... 👏 round of applause . Lol I am lame . So schools starting after literally a day . I'll try to update again today . And I'll dedicate another chapter to another someone .
Thank you all again for your votes and comments .

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