Chapter 35

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He fell down . BRANDON rushed and called the nurse . I couldn't as my leg was badly injured .
I sighed. Tears fell down my eyes . As I waited for BRANDON to come the nurse came rushing up they took KYLE . I closed my eyes .
" BRANDON , what do I do . " I said while tears where rolling down my cheek .
" Nothing's gonna happen to him okay ? Be brave " he said coming closer to him , I gave him a big hug .
" Thanks BRANDON :) your the best boyfriend ever ! " I nagged . He chuckled . KYLE KYLE . When I went outside the fans came around me and blamed me for everything .
' what did you do to our boy KYLE I swear if anything happens to him il put a bulked down your throat '
" Da Fuq you look so b*tchy your laughing while your boyfriend Kyles lying there In the hospital '
' Whats up with yo ugly face '
' My Kyle alll because of U '
' You bitch I wish KYLE never dated U or saw u in the first face '
I felt like I've murdered someone never once have I felt this awful feeling .
" SHUTTAP , I DIDNT KILL HIM MURDER OR EVEN TOUCH YOUR KYLE !!!!! KYLE DOSENT EVEN KNOW U GUYS BUT HE KNOWS ME ! So shuttap .And LEAVE ME ALONE " I said crying bitterly . I went out in my car . I wish I never met KYLE :( this feels ...... BAD .
I texted BRANDON immediately
Me - BRANDON :( people are hurting me so much they're blaming me and telling me that I'm the one who murdered they're Kyle and all that . It just feels so awful .
BRANDON - I get it :)
BRANDON - if it cheers you Up , I have a surprise for you .
Me - Really ? LOVE U :) <3
BRANDON - <3 me obvious love u ,
Me - Learn grammar silly :
Brandon - it's the auto correct :3
Me - I'll be right There , to your surprise
Brandon - I'm already down dork :)
Me - dork really ? your my BRANDON :)
Brandon - your my dork <3 and I love u for that .
I quickly pulled out a shirt that said ' Every girl will find a prince ' and slammed in jeans .
I put on a bit make up not toooo much or toooo less just perfect :D
I chuckled and ran down . Brandon was in his super hawt car =)
I ran down and slammed my lips into his .
" BRANDON :) " I said squeezing him into a hug . He chuckled .
" Hey princess <3 " he said . I went inside his car as we went he drove the car inside .
I was watching the beautiful view .
" Close your eyes with this " he said giving me a cloth . I chucked and gladly accepted it .
" I love surprises " I said . And closed my eyes with the clothes .
-------- later .
Brandon opened the clothe and we were in this beautiful garden . The sun was setting Nd only we were there , there were REALLLY cute candles :) which I was obsessed of .
" Oh BRANDON :) this definitely cheered me up big time I love u " I said jumping in his and hugged him tightly .
" Oh my God nikki don't kill me " BRANDON joked and we laughed .
" But seriously BRANDON , this this is just perfect right here " I said .
" You know I had a crush on you ever since 4th grade " he said and I gasped . He nodded and put my hair behind my ears .
" Oh BRANDON , I had not had a crush on u but I loved U ALOT and I still love u , I can't believe all my wishes came true in a second . You changed my life . Without U :( I I can't even think of a life !!!!!!! Your everything I need . I really can't believe that your with me after the mess I had made in your life , I can't believe that we are still together :) I can't believe that I can still can u mine ! " I said . He looked at me with tears eyes and gave me a peck on my lips .
" Nikki ....... I love u . And why I bought you here was because it's because it's the first day we actually met and I love u " he said I felt so happy I could've done my happy dance . He gave me a present and I gently took it . I opened it and my eyes widened to find out it was iPhone 6 now I HAVE A PHONE . I HUGGED HIM TIGHT SND KISSED HIM PASSIONATELY.
" Brandon YOUR RHE BEST BIYFRIEND ANYONE COUKD EVER HAVE " I handed him his present he opened it and found a kitten he hugged me tight .
" I LOVE KITTENS I LOVE U ANGEL " he said kissing me until I couldn't breath I chuckled . I kissed uis cheeks .
" This Is perfect " I told him and he smiled .
We saw the sunset . I put my head under his shoulder .
" I love u " I said , and he missed my forehead .
" I love u more "
Hiiiiii done
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~Lilly23455 signing off

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