Chapter 57

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No everything's NOT OK !
Nop it's not even close to ok .
" Oh nikki darling don't cry " Patrick said . He came close to me and kissed my hand .
" Well don't worry I'm not going to do anything to U " he said smirking . I felt completely disgusted .
Please someone anyone ! GAHHH BRANDON :,(
PLS someone come here . Then the window crashed open .
" B BRANDON !!! " I tried to yell he saw Patrick with a glare .
" You you " he said holding Patrick in his collar and just punching him .
That's when Olivia enters she glares at Brandon staring at him .
" Olivia !!! Being nice to u will never help u right ? I'm over u I completely hate u and we can never be friends !!! AGH I HATE U SO MUCH I WANNA KILL U " he yelled .... I just hope Brandon dosent do anything to Olivia because she was All :,( .
And then there was a clap and tons of laugh .
" we got u " Chloe said . She removed a mask in her face .
" you fell for it And Hurt my face lol dude lol " Marcus said laughing so hard . Brandon and me where lik what?

What's up ? Sorry I haven't updated for lik forever !!! But here's a update and keep u wid the comments and I got a few comments asking for some inappropriate stuff but guys there are little girls reading this so I'd probably never do that intact I'm going to lower the romance anyways rock out
Keep voting commenting sharing following and rocking
~lilly23455 signing off

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